• 3 years ago
Top 10 Mystery of Ocean || महासागर के शीर्ष 10 रहस्य

The oceans of the Earth hold many secrets. Throughout the history of mankind, some stunning, scary, and sometimes simply inexplicable things have accumulated on the ocean floor. Scientists have discovered ancient cities, cemeteries of sculptures, even those abnormal zones where the laws of physics don’t work. The mysterious and frightening ocean can not only be a peaceful surface that gives life, but also an enraged devourer of civilizations! Now, we will try to figure out the most interesting and mysterious discoveries!

Here's a statistic that might surprise you. According to the National Ocean Service of the USA, only five percent of the world's oceans have been fully explored. That means there are almost certainly hundreds of fish and marine life species we've never encountered living down there and a vast realm of utterly unknown territory. Perhaps we should be making more effort to explore the seas because unknown and unexpected objects have a habit of turning up in them as you're about to see in this video!


