• 3 years ago
Families Lost and Found¦ Ricki Hasson's Lost & Found experience was so overwhelming.

Families Lost and Found¦ Ricki Hasson's Lost & Found experience was so overwhelming.

"You look at me and I look like a Māori. But I talk white, dress white," Hasson told me when she asked for my help to find her whanau five years ago.

Born in Whakatane to teenagers working on an East Coast shearing gang, Hasson was made a State ward as a baby and was sent to be raised by Pakeha foster parents in Nelson.

Hasson was so concerned that her upbringing would lead to rejection, she twice withdrew her application for my help.

When David finally convinced her to trust him [ David Lomas] Riki Hasson pleaded that should David find her whanau "you have to tell them how white I am and I want them to know it was not my fault. I don't want them to think of me as white. I want them to think of me as theirs".


