Productioon Technology of Cotton_کپاس کی جدید پیداواری ٹیکنالوجی_English-Urdu

  • 2 years ago
Productioon Technology of Cotton_کپاس کی جدید پیداواری ٹیکنالوجی

The land - free of stubbles, clods and well pulverized. Green manuring 25-35 days before planting. Flat sowing with alternate furrows after first irrigation. Seed treatment with suitable pesticide is recommended to provide control of sucking pests during early crop growth.
Technology, including yield monitors, remote sensing and computer-assisted irrigation control, is helping farmers across the Cotton Belt increase yields, reduce expenses and improve efficiency.
What is the process of cultivation of cotton?
Sowing: The seeds are sown by broadcast method or by drills. Harvesting: The crop is harvested in October when the cotton balls ripen and burst into white, fluffy and shiny balls of fibre. Processing: After the cotton has been picked, it is ginned. The seeds maybe crushed to yield oil.
#cotton technologyproduction


