Watch this hilarious moment as an exasperated owner has to deal with her dog's newfound habit of kidnapping turtles and taking them home. Rachel Laposka, a 19 year-old student from Sharpsburg Georgia, posted the video toTikTok, showing her struggling to get her dog to release a poor turtle she picked up. The video instantly captured the hearts of TikTok, garnering almost 180,000 likes, and earning Mya, a 6 year-old great pyrenees quite a fanbase. The video was filled with comments such as "it's her turtle now. She has a pet." Another viewer said "What happened to her new friend? Did she get to keep him?" Rachel, told us that this isn't the first time, but that Mya appears to be trying to make friends. "Mya only recently discovered she can pick up turtles, and she’s only done it twice," she said. "She’s a Great Pyrenees, which is a breed that used to be used for things like herding and protecting cattle on a farm," she continued. "Chances are she saw the little turtle and decided she wanted to protect it, it’s also likely she saw it and just wanted a friend." The most surprising thing is that she doesn't seem to do this with anything else, just the turtles. "She doesn’t normally bring anything into the house," Rachel explained, which may lend credence to the fact that she is trying to protect the scaly creatures.