Writers Republic Interview with Carol Urena, author of A Word of Advice

2 years ago
Writers Republic LLC features an incredible book video interview with Carol Urena, author of A Word of Advice and veteran radio broadcaster, Steve Richards.

This time instead of inspired by true love, here are 75 short poems inspired by the love of the holy scriptures; that like true love can create deeply moving emotions within us. Allowing us to love even that which cannot be seen. As a bible enthusiast; especially William Shakespeare's King James version of the bible; though not very religious, have been influenced by its verses. The word when read with interest and love, is life-changing; as we are changed by true love. One does not need religious institutions to develop an intense love and admiration for scripture. And you do not need to believe in a higher power for this book to be of influence; though it might be appreciated more fully with the faith that there is a force greater than us that can deeply impact our lives for the better. That can keep us going even in the worst of times.

From Romeo and Juliet, to Shakespeare’s sonnets, to the King James Version of the bible; the romanticism of words and verses have always been an influence. But not until touched by true love which is different than love in all its other forms was it possible to put down into words the feelings it gives rise to. While always enjoying English literature and their classics, a favorite has always been creative writing. While not always the best at writing in its technical form, have always had the skill for putting words together without the constraints of grammatical rules. Always enjoying it poetry is very different; special if you like; touching us in another form than a novel or biography. ­ The purpose of this book is for the reader to be in tune with their heart and the most wonderful feeling that ever existed; true love.
