Author TV Interview of John Hartzell on Coast Live

  • 3 months ago
In this book, readers will find thoughts penned into paper and sentiments sprinkled in ink that tell the author’s story. He never intended on writing down all these, until a dear friend insisted that he had to write it. When he met this dear friend, he was in a very bad and dark place mentally as the author was when he decided to start his own journey. Everything he shares in this book is an attempt to save his friend’s life. The author believes that if at least a few people will be helped with this book, then all of this will be worth it.

One just has to believe in one’s self and must do it every day, even if it’s going to be hard, and may even feel impossible some days. There may be some setbacks along the way, but one just has to get it done.

Author John Hartzell has had quite a journey. He has learned a lot from it and he hopes that with his new book, You Can’t Go Back, he can touch others who went through or are going through similar experiences, thoughts and feelings. This is the author’s attempt to heal himself mentally and spiritually. Though this may not be a journey that actually ends once started, this is still a huge portion of it. He hopes that everyone who is going through some thing will find hope and help in the pages of this book.


00:00Welcome back. He's sharing his experience to help others find hope. I'm joined by author John Hartzell, who wrote the book, You Can't Go Back.
00:09Welcome, John. How you doing?
00:10I'm doing great. How are you?
00:11All right. Good, good. So, obviously, by the title, You Can't Go Back, it's not looking back in the rearview mirror.
00:17Tell me how you came up with the title and how you came up with the concept.
00:21The title actually came from my daughter. She actually named it herself.
00:24Oh, wow.
00:25Yeah, she helped me write it, actually.
00:28And the concept is just basically not going back to your past, you know, staying focused on the future and keep moving forward.
00:37Did your daughter inspire you to write the book?
00:39Yeah, absolutely.
00:40Okay, so tell me about that.
00:42She's just always been there for me, but a good friend of mine, Adrian, he was in a dark place, and I helped him through it.
00:50And then afterwards, he inspired me to write the book.
00:54He pretty much said I had no choice, so.
00:56Okay, so here it is.
00:58So tell me a little bit about Can't Go Back.
01:01It's just to help people, to guide people, to inspire people to help others, to know that you shouldn't do this alone.
01:11You can't do it alone, and you shouldn't do it alone. Yeah.
01:16And so you also discuss in the book about working as a team.
01:21Describe what that is.
01:23Well, you can't do this by yourself.
01:25Life is too big.
01:26It's too much.
01:27And for the longest time, I thought I had to do it on my own, and it was getting me nowhere.
01:33And as soon as I started working with the people around me, my life started to evolve in ways I could never imagine.
01:39And how are you working as a team?
01:41I know that you're a single dad of girls.
01:43Yes, yes.
01:44So how do you incorporate that in your daily life?
01:46My brother and my friends and my family and my kids, they're huge.
01:51They have no problem helping out and being part of the team, and they're really, really a big part of my life.
02:00Well, it's so good that you took a personal experience and then shared that with others so that they can benefit from it.
02:05What do you want them to take away from the book?
02:07That the only thing you need to live a beautiful life is a beautiful mind.
02:11And what's a beautiful mind?
02:15Kindness, you know, sharing, helping other people, having a good mindset.
02:22I think it's really interesting that you emphasize those basic qualities, which are kind of qualities that, you know, we started out doing, kindness.
02:30Yeah, we did.
02:31Treating people like you want to be treated, et cetera.
02:33So do you think it's a throwback to kind of old ideals?
02:38Yes, I do.
02:40Yes, a little bit, yes.
02:42I think they're important, though.
02:43I think we forgot how important they really are.
02:45That's great.
02:46And I know that you're working on another book.
02:48Can you tell us a little bit about it?
02:49Yes, ma'am.
02:50I'm about halfway through it.
02:51I'm not really sure exactly what it's going to become, but hopefully it's just as great as the first one.
02:57And you have a pretty grueling process in trying to get these books out.
03:01We were describing and you were discussing it with me before the segment.
03:04Tell me about how your day goes and how you put aside time for writing.
03:09Well, I work probably 14-hour midnight shifts, and then I take care of my kids during the day.
03:14And whenever I get off of work, I usually write for about three hours and then spend the rest of the day with them and go right back to work.
03:21My goodness.
03:22It's a long week.
03:23Yeah, it's a long week.
03:24So there went a lot of sacrifice that went into this book.
03:28So it not only has good advice, but also it was kind of grueling to put it together, to share with other people.
03:33How can people read it?
03:35You can get it at Barnes & Noble.
03:37It's available on Amazon.
03:39You can go to YouCan' with two Ks.
03:43And we have four different languages published.
03:47And you can also head over to
03:51At their bookstore, it's available as well.
03:53And we also have the audio book already available as well.
03:56Well, thank you so much for being with us.
03:57Thanks for having me.
03:58And there's the information right there.
03:59And we look forward to having you on for your next book as well.
04:02Thank you.
04:03All right.
