Foods and Drinks to Have Before Bed

  • 2 years ago
The 10 Best Foods and Drinks to Have Before Bed.

A good night's sleep is vitally essential for your overall well-being. It can reduce the risk of contracting certain chronic diseases as well as keep your brain healthy and strengthen immunity. It's recommended to have between 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, but many struggles to get enough.

Here are the 10 best drinks and foods that you can enjoy before bed to improve the quality of your sleep.

Number 1. Almonds.
Almonds contain Melatonin as well as the sleep-enhancing mineral magnesium, two qualities that make them a wonderful snack to have before getting to bed. Almonds are also great sources of magnesium and provide 19 percent of your daily requirement in just 28 grams. Consuming enough magnesium could aid in improving sleep quality, particularly for those who suffer from insomnia.

Number 2. Turkey.
Turkey may be a great food to eat before bed due to its high amounts of protein and tryptophan, both of which may induce tiredness. The turkey protein could help to increase fatigue. It has been proven that eating moderate amounts of protein before going to going to bed is linked with greater sleep quality and lesser waking up during the night.

Number 3. Chamomile tea.
The antioxidants in chamomile tea could help you sleep better and sleepily and Drinking it has been proven to enhance sleep quality overall. A study from 2011 that involved 34 adults revealed that people who consumed 270 mg of chamomile extract two times a day for 28 days experienced a 15-minute increase in sleep and had less wakefulness at night in comparison to those who did not take the extract. Another study showed that women who took the tea for two weeks experienced better sleep quality when compared with non-tea drinkers.

Number 4. Kiwi.
Kiwis are a great source of serotonin and antioxidants, Both of which could enhance sleep quality if eaten prior to the bed. In a study lasting four weeks that included 24 adults, they ate two kiwifruits within an hour before going to bed every night. When the study, the participants were asleep 42% faster than if they had not eaten anything prior to the time bed.

Number 5. Tart cherry juice.
Tart cherries contain the hormone that promotes sleep melatonin, It can help you get a restful sleep. In a tiny study that included insomnia sufferers, they consumed 8 ounces (240 milliliters) in tart cherries twice each day for two weeks. They fell asleep for 84 minutes more and reported better quality sleep as compared to those who did not consume the juice.

Number 6. Fatty fish.
Fatty fish can be a fantastic food source for vitamin D as well as omega-3 fats, both of which are known to improve your quality of sleep. A study found that those who consumed 10.5 grams (300 grams) of Atlantic salmon three times per week for six months went asleep around 10 minutes earlier than those who consumed pork or beef. A few ounces of fatty fish prior to your bedtime can aid you to get to
