Strike Finder Touch, the world's most advanced trigger! by Ubertronix, Inc.

  • 2 years ago
Wow! Are we ever excited to announce our latest product, the Strike Finder Touch!
The Strike Finder Touch Story
After speaking with several respected photographers in the industry and hearing what was most important to them, we decided to start from scratch, designing the device from the inside out. We packed it with all sorts of features such as event driven timelapse, motion detection, sound triggering, lightning, lasers and more. We added a programmable touch screen interface that lets a photographer choose how and when they want the photographs to be taken.
We began looking at the electronic components adding key elements such as amplifiers to increase sound sensitivity by up to 50 times! Additionally, we added key features to get the most out of the batteries such as a power save mode and let you know how much battery time you have remaining. Another feature we added was a power plug so that when you’re in the studio, you can plug it in to conserve battery life.
It doesn’t stop there either, in researching what was important, we heard photographers wanted complete control of timing of their photograph, so we added an easy-to-use touch-screen interface. This is probably one of the hallmarks of the Strike Finder Touch. Every sensor has its own screen that lets a photographer adjust different features. Settings such as delay (down to the millisecond level), sensitivity, exposure, and number of photographs are all completely adjustable.
Another feature that we're super excited about is “Event-Driven Timelapse“. Not only is it an intervalometer, but it’s also an intervalometer on steroids! It has the capability to begin sequencing pictures when something external triggers it! No need to be present to start it either, the device will wake up the camera to tell it to start taking pictures! This will be such a useful feature for many different photographs from wildlife, lightning, security, and more. Imagine, setting the camera up for a series of shots, (burst or timelapse) and it starts automatically for you!
Finally, we found photographers wanted something smaller and sleeker that would easily fit in their camera bags. So we redesigned the entire unit so fits nicely and looks great on your camera too!



