• 3 years ago
Directed by Daihei Shibata.

Winner Prix de la qualité technique, Festival International de Clip Paris, France. Official Selection Musiclip, International Music, Audiovisual Arts and Music Videos Festival of Barcelona, Spain and CVC, Vila do Conde, Portugal.

This is the official vi­de­o­clip for the advance single of :pa­per­cutz's new remix album "Do Outro Lado Do Es­pelho (Lylac Am­bient Reworks)".

The track "Lylac (He­lios remix)" is a remix of :pa­per­cutz original song by Ame­rican Keith Kenniff (Helios) whose Eingya album was con­si­dered one of the best in the year in the ins­tru­mental ca­te­gory for elec­tronic pu­bli­ca­tions as Pop­mat­ters, Stylus Ma­ga­zine, Tiny Mix Tapes and All Music Guide.

Original lyrics:

"We're lost on an artificial light;
a white that blinds our human forms.
Take me away, from this moment on we'll be as one.

But wait, I seem to recognize you.
Your face reminds me of youth.
Lifetime of changes taking place... taking place.

We're all spinning round,
letting it all go now, has never been easier.

(It's the change of seasons...the tree of life)"

":pa­per­cutz pro­duce dreamy, ethe­real, ci­ne­matic works and ideal for de­cons­truc­ting and re­mi­xing. 'Do outro lado do es­pelho (Lylac am­bient reworks)' il­lus­trates how ma­te­rial can further blossom by the hand of some very ta­lented ar­tists. Do outro lado do es­pelho (transl: From the other side of the lo­o­king glass) means that this is their vi­sion of the album's songs in their par­ti­cular ar­tistic world... it has been an am­bi­tious pro­ject in­deed. :pa­per­cutz, He­lios,Ema­nuele Er­rante, Simon Scott, Taylor Deu­pree, He Can Jog, Ra­meses III, Au­tis­tici, Chris Bis­son­nette, The As­troboy, Jasper TX & Feu Follet all pro­vide re­mar­kable rewor­kings." Au­di­o­bulb re­cords

Full ar­tist list and Line-​up:

Taylor Deu­pree (12k), Jasper TX (Mi­asmah, Fe­netre Re­cords), Chris Bis­son­nette (Kranky), He­lios (Type Re­cords),Ema­nuele Er­rante (Ape­ge­nine re­cor­dings, Somnia), Ra­meses III (Type Re­cords), The As­troboy (Test Tube/Cobra), Au­tis­tici(12k / Au­di­o­bulb re­cords), Feu Follet (Ex Ovo), Simon Scott (Mi­asmah), He can Jog (Au­di­o­bulb re­cords/Home Normal), :pa­per­cutz (Ape­ge­nine / Au­di­o­bulb re­cords).

For more in­for­ma­tion about the album please visit:

Re­le­ased by: Au­di­o­bulb Re­cords
Re­lease / ca­ta­logue number: AB029
Re­lease date: May 24, 2010


