William Branham's Tithes and Offerings

  • 2 years ago
Throughout multiple versions of his stage persona, William Branham claimed that he never accepted an offering. In no uncertain terms, he frequently stated, "I never took an offering in my life“. It is very deceptive, however, since others collected the money for him and he also frequently mentioned the collection plates being passed. According to Sarah Branham, William Branham’s daughter, a substantial amount of money was collected over the years. So much, in fact, that Branham was the target of a tax evasion inquiry by the Internal Revenue Service in the 1960s.

Branham's healing revival campaigns did, in fact, collect money. The collections were so commonplace that collecting money resulted in an unusual exchange between William Branham and Franklin Hall. Branham confirmed that he also received the "love offering" that was being collected.

During his revival meetings, collecting money was an important part of the show. Offerings were generally free will, and according to those involved were very generous. W. E. Kidson, Branham's first campaign manager, described the generosity of the donors to reporters who decided to investigate for themselves. To their surprise, they learned that Branham had collected large suitcases full of money.

William Branham disagreed with the Apostle Paul and the New Covenant, and for apparent financial reasons, still taught Old Covenant Law and tithing. … but only the parts that benefitted his pocketbook. Under the Old Covenant Law, the Israelites got back all donations during the sabbaths and celebrations that were held every seven days, months, and years. In the year of the Jubilee, the priest kept only what was needed to live, and the rest was returned to the people.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org


More Info About Tithes in the New Covenant


