Aired (April 30, 2022): Titikman ni Kara David ang ipinagmamalaking 'Bulanghang' ng House of Bulalugaw. Ang putaheng ito, gawa sa litid at gata ng niyog na maihahambing sa Bicol Express. Kayanin kaya niya ang anghang ng Bulanghang? Panoorin ang video.
Hosted by Kara David, ‘Pinas Sarap’ takes its viewers on a weekly gastronomical adventure that gives them a deeper appreciation for Filipino food.
Watch ‘Pinas Sarap' every Saturday, 6:15 PM on GTV. Subscribe to for our full episodes. #PinasSarap #PSLutongBaka
Hosted by Kara David, ‘Pinas Sarap’ takes its viewers on a weekly gastronomical adventure that gives them a deeper appreciation for Filipino food.
Watch ‘Pinas Sarap' every Saturday, 6:15 PM on GTV. Subscribe to for our full episodes. #PinasSarap #PSLutongBaka