Food supplement outperforms chemotherapy a hundred to one

  • 15 years ago
Systemic Enzymes

Let me tell you a story about how powerful enzymes can be in fighting cancer.
One of America’s leading cancer doctors, a New York M.D. named Nicholas J. Gonzalez,
studied patients with cancer of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest types.
Conventional medicine considers it a virtual death sentence. The average patient with inoperable pancreatic cancer survives three to six months. It wasn’t easy for Dr. Gonzalez and his colleague,
Dr. Linda Isaacs, to get the funding to test an alternative therapy. They were allowed to
conduct their study only on hopeless cases. Conventional doctors had told the patients in the
study there was no effective treatment for them. At the National Cancer Institute, a big shot
told Dr. Gonzalez his study of eleven patients would be a success if three of them survived
more than a year.


