Helpful Tips for Employers Amid the Great Resignation

  • 2 years ago
Helpful Tips, for Employers Amid , the Great Resignation.
In November of 2021, over 4.5 million people
in the United States quit their jobs, continuing
a trend of seismic shifts in the labor market.
In November of 2021, over 4.5 million people
in the United States quit their jobs, continuing
a trend of seismic shifts in the labor market.
The movement has largely been labeled
the Great Resignation, and it has left employers
scrambling to improve employee retention. .
Lifehack recently offered some
helpful tips for any leaders looking to
adapt and thrive amid changing times. .
Lifehack recently offered some
helpful tips for any leaders looking to
adapt and thrive amid changing times. .
Here are 3 things they suggest:.
1. Operational changes, Many industries have already made the shift
to remote working, forcing employers
to abandon many old management mindsets. .
1. Operational changes, Many industries have already made the shift
to remote working, forcing employers
to abandon many old management mindsets. .
This includes trading traditional training methods for online courses and employee-led resource groups focused on knowledge sharing. .
2. Adjusting perceptions, In order to encourage a culture of productivity, employers need to start measuring success based on results rather than hours spent working. .
In exchange for traditional operating hours,
management has had to embrace asynchronous
working hours for remote employees. .
In exchange for traditional operating hours,
management has had to embrace asynchronous
working hours for remote employees. .
3. Focus on mental health, Maintaining a healthy team environment
with scheduled online gatherings
can help combat feelings of isolation. .
New collaboration tools allow teams to stay connected despite working remotely, and they
help leaders to keep their teams motivated. .
The challenges of the changing labor market could help drive employers to create a more flexible, employee-focused and output-driven future.
The challenges of the changing labor market could help drive employers to create a more flexible, employee-focused and output-driven future