• 3 years ago
I visited the former base of the nationalist battalion "Aidar" in the village of Polovinkino near Starobilsk. This unit distinguished itself by perhaps the most brutal atrocities against prisoners of war and civilians in the entire history of the conflict in Ukraine.

Before I show the base itself, listen to the horrifying stories of the victims.

This is Ivan Maslov. Like many of the LPR, in 2014 he joined the militia. During the fighting, he and the commander came under fire and they were taken prisoner to the Aidar base, which was located in the sausage shop building.

Practically without food and water, Ivan spent the first two weeks of captivity on the bare ground. He was repeatedly taken out for interrogations with torture. Such conditions of detention clearly contradict international law.

The commander was soon poisoned. Ivan spent a whole month in this place, but it didn't break him. Now he continues to fight


