Never Ending Love - Bamboo Musical Instrument

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Musik Bambu Minahasa

☆The Forgotten Minahasa Cultural Heritage

The Minahasa BAMBOO music starts with a five-hole pentatonic flute which is one of the musical instruments of 'Maoling Music' consisting of Kolintang gongs, drums and large gongs. The bamboo flute probably came from Ternate with Kolintang gongs (children) through the Minahasa rice trade since the Portuguese era in Minahasa until the VOC era Netherlands 1560–1870 . A five-tone bamboo flute is shown in the sketch of the book Ethnographische Miszelen Celebes. A.B. Meyer, O. Richter, Dresden, 1902. In 1844 the Dutch Zending tried to remove the gong musical instrument in Minahasa and replace it with flute music. When the Dutch Governor asked Zending teachers to teach at the Governor's school, the Zending teachers taught ecclesiastical songs with the solmization of octave flute music. The flute music of school children with three voices was seen by N. Graafland in Kawangkoan, the Dutch Indies music corps accompanied the departure of the Minahasa soldiers to the Java war, in 1829 who used wind instruments and drums in the port of Manado (Wenang). This Dutch royal musical corps also accompanied the katreli dance by Manado-Minahasa militia in Manado in 1885 (J. Hickson – 1889:345). In the 1930s the Dutch royal 'Marching Band' music corps in Manado was named 'IRENE BRIGADE BLAAS INSTRUMENTS'. Bamboo music in the form of an orchestra probably first appeared around the 1880s, consisting of a series of flute players, large and small drums, Korno (Hoorn), Pistons from bamboo, Bombardon (bass) from bamboo, pontuang and gongs, so that it is called 'Bamboo music'. Bamboo. Tondano in 1917, apart from a series of flute players, there are drums and drums made in Europe, as well as CLARINET and trumpet made in Europe, there are also gongs and pontuang. The music of 'Bambu Flute' has turned into 'orchestra' music whose musical instruments are not only flutes, and have used European-made musical instruments. To make imitations of European musical instruments, tubas (pistons) and basses from zinc-aluminum metal, it requires the expertise of 'Tukang Blek' who are generally Chinese. A "Tukang Blek" from Amurang Minahasa Selatan named KEK-BENG in 1932 succeeded in making imitations of European musical instruments TUBA and BOMBARDON (bass) from zinc aluminum which were cut and then put on a tin base. Thus, the BAMBOO FLUET ORKES with TUBA (Piston) and BAMBOO BASS in 1932 turned into ZIN BAMBOO MUSIC. Until 1957 before the permesta upheaval, all bamboo music in Minahasa was in the form of Seng bamboo music such as the bamboo music orchestra 'Garuda' (Buyungon), 'Banteng' (Rumoong Bawah), 'National (Kawangkoan Bawah), 'Uluna (Tondano), Orion. (Kakaskasen –Tomohon) and others .


