Moonshot Movie (2022) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: MOONSHOT follows Walt (Cole Sprouse) and Sophie (Lana Condor) as they join forces in order to be reunited with their significant others. The two embark upon a lively journey that winds up taking them both wildly and unexpectedly off course. A romantic comedy with a twist.
directed by Christopher Winterbauer
starring Cole Sprouse, Lana Condor, Mason Gooding, Emily Rudd, Zach Braff, Lukas Gage
release date March 31, 2022 (on HBO MAX)
directed by Christopher Winterbauer
starring Cole Sprouse, Lana Condor, Mason Gooding, Emily Rudd, Zach Braff, Lukas Gage
release date March 31, 2022 (on HBO MAX)
Short film