OVER THE MOON Movie - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix - Plot synopsis: Fueled with determination and a passion for science, a bright young girl builds a rocket ship to the moon to prove the existence of a legendary Moon Goddess. There she ends up on an unexpected quest, and discovers a whimsical land of fantastical creatures. Directed by Oscar®-Winning Filmmaker & Animator, Glen Keane, and produced by Gennie Rim and Peilin Chou. Starring Cathy Ang, Phillipa Soo, Robert G. Chiu, Ken Jeong, John Cho, Ruthie Ann Miles, Margaret Cho, Kimiko Glenn, Artt Butler, Irene Tsu, Clem Cheung, Conrad Ricamora and Sandra Oh.
Believing Is Everything
Watch OVER THE MOON, on Netflix October 23, 2020
Believing Is Everything
Watch OVER THE MOON, on Netflix October 23, 2020
Short film