How to Exercise After a Heart Attack

  • 2 years ago
How to Exercise After a Heart Attack
The COMPLETE Case Of Exercise After a Heart Attack,
Research suggests that exercise is one of the most important factors in diminishing and preventing heart disease. 1 X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source However after you have had a heart attack your heart may not be as efficient at pumping blood throughout the body. If your doctor has given you the go ahead you can slowly start to work out again to build up your strength and heart health. Experts note that people involved in an exercise program after a heart attack have better outcomes fewer re hospitalizations and a higher rate of event free survival in the following year. 2 X Research source Talk with your doctor. Make sure your doctor has cleared you for exercise before starting an exercise program. When your heart is damaged from lack of oxygen it takes several weeks to heal and return to the best function it can. You may undergo a stress test before leaving the hospital which can
Realize the importance of exercise. Exercise will help strengthen your heart muscle improve oxygen efficiency reduce your blood pressure stabilize your blood sugar reduce the potential for diabetes help manage stress and weight and help lower your cholesterol levels. All of these factors will also help to r
Do a cardiac rehabilitation program if one is available. Everyone recovers from a heart attack at a different rate. The rate of recovery is affected by the amount of heart muscle that was damaged and your physical fitness before the heart attack. During cardiac rehabilitation your therapists will monitor your exercise program with electrocardiograms and blood pressure to prevent injury. Once you