• 3 years ago
How to Calculate Price Earnings Ratio
The CLEVER Guide to Calculate Price Earnings Ratio,
Price earnings ratio also known as P/E ratio is a tool that is used by investors to help decide whether they should buy a stock. Essentially the P/E ratio tells potential investors how much they have to pay for every 1 of earnings. A low P/E ratio is attractive in the sense that one pays less for every 1 of earnings. At the same time companies with higher P/E ratios generally expect higher earnings growth in the future than companies with low P/Es. 1 X Research source The following article provides guidance on both calculating the PE ratio and using it to analyze stocks. Know the formula. The formula for calculating the price
Find the market price. Of the two variables used the P/E equation market price is the easier to find. Market value per share is simply how much it costs to buy a share of any publicly traded company on the stock Market. On November 4 2015 for example it cost 103.94 to buy one share of Facebook. Find a stocks current price by searching onli
Calculate or find the Earnings per share. Financial analysts generally use what is called a trailing P/E ratio. In this case EPS is calculated by taking a companys net income over the last four quarters twelve months account for any stock splits and then dividing by the number of shares outstanding. However they
