Word of the Era - Quislings

  • 2 years ago
Source: RFA News

Lord Patten of Barnes (Con) on Nationality and Borders Bill
Volume 818: debated on Thursday 10 February 2022

"...every one of my successors as chief executive in Hong Kong had either a foreign passport or members of their family with foreign passports. The present chief executive had a British passport, which she gave up to become chief executive, and her husband and her sons have British passports.

I am not against that: I hope they enjoy the liberties and freedoms that come with being a British citizen with that passport.

But what is rather an unhappy paradox is that the people at the moment—the quislings—including members of the police force, doing the persecuting, have British passports, and those who are being persecuted and locked up do not.

I think we should address that rather unhappy imbalance in due course."


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