• 2 years ago
On Jan 25 the Han Chinese Communist stated-trained athletes, or thugs and bumpkins, went to Tiananmen Square where thousands were murdered on Jun 4 1989, and made the oath to repay to the Führer at the bloody Beijing Olympics.

For the motherland dash dash dash
Live up to the people risk our lives
Repay the leader bit the bullet
Always fight for the first never be cowardly
Follow the general secretary to the future
China must win! Long live the motherland!
Add Oil! Add Oil! Add Oil!*

There is nothing about the Olympic Spirit or Values.

*Add Oil is originated from Jap's "頑張(がんば)って" which means "do your best".
The CCP motivated Han Chinese nationalists pick up these words from the Jap, whom they are brainwashed to hate the most.

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