• 3 years ago


00:51I don't know what this country's coming to.
00:53Alec, you know if we had our way we'd have strung that kid up long ago.
01:04Oh, I guess Miss Joanne's talk had something to do with it.
01:07I was in hopes that putting that young outlaw behind the bars at Carson City for 20 years
01:29would break up this gang of road agents.
01:31Now we've got to round up the whole bunch and put them where he is.
01:35It's too bad, he's such a boy.
01:38That's why it's too bad they didn't give him life.
01:40I tell you, Miss Joanne, the longer he's locked up, the less trouble we'll have.
01:45We should have hung that kid.
01:47Aren't you satisfied taking 20 years off his life?
01:51I might be if it wasn't for you taking such a shine to him.
01:55Only I wouldn't be so proud of it, if I were you.
01:58I'm sorry for him.
02:00I don't suppose you could understand that.
02:02Sorry he can't sell you something he stole for a kiss?
02:06Is that what you think of me?
02:07You know what I think of you, Joanne.
02:09That you ain't been acting lately like you cared much.
02:13I never could care for you that way, Alex.
02:16You didn't say that before you met him.
02:18Did he change your mind?
02:20You've changed my mind.
02:21I can't respect anyone who'd kick a man when he's down.
02:33Just a minute, just a minute.
02:37Therefore, be it resolved that the undersigned citizens of Rattlesnake Gulch
02:44do herewith and hereby petition the legislature of this great state of Nevada
02:51to appoint Rattlesnake Gulch as governor of the United States of America.
02:58The state of Nevada to appoint Rattlesnake Gulch the seat of this county.
03:05Three cheers for his honor, the mayor.
03:13Just a minute.
03:15Fellow citizens of this great and glorious county, I want every man and woman,
03:21our Sam and our Sam, that includes you too, to step up and sign this petition.
03:30And if your friends and relatives ain't here, why, you can sign for them too.
03:40All right.
03:52Where do I sign?
03:54Where do I sign?
03:57Where do I sign?
03:58Right here.
03:59This end?
04:02How much is it today?
04:04I'll wait for you at the door.
04:06All right.
04:21Oh, mountain high, my baby, when you hear those bells a-tingling,
04:29oh, joy in heaven, everything in the state of Nevada.
04:36Won't you sit down?
04:57I'm always glad to see anyone from Rattlesnake Gulch.
05:02My old friend the mayor.
05:04How is he?
05:06Well, to tell you the truth, Governor, he was on his way to see you himself
05:10when he was suddenly attacked.
05:14Yes, I was right there when it happened.
05:17He almost had a heart failure.
05:19Well, a man's got to be mighty careful these days if he wants to live to a ripe old age.
05:23Well, his honor the mayor is going to be a heap more careful in the future.
05:27Well, sir, here you are, Governor.
05:30And I reckon every citizen of Rattlesnake Gulch has got his name on that petition.
05:34Yes, sir.
05:35The Chinaman too.
05:43Therefore, be it resolved that we, the undersigned citizens of Rattlesnake Gulch,
05:48do herewith and hereby beseech the governor of this great state of Nevada
05:52to grant the said Buck Hurley, known as the Nevada Kid,
05:57a full and complete pardon.
06:00That's the way his friends feel about it, Governor.
06:04Do you know what I call this, sir?
06:08Well, I ain't exactly sure.
06:11It's the true Christian spirit.
06:15Mr. Williams, you should feel honored to represent Rattlesnake Gulch on such a mission as this.
06:23And you will pardon him?
06:25You can tell all my old friends and constituents that I will give it due consideration.
06:35In fact...
06:40In fact, the pardon is granted right now.
06:43Thank you, Governor.
06:45And I promise you that the citizens of Rattlesnake Gulch will give you the surprise of your life next election.
06:51Oh, yes, of course, of course.
06:53Well, I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again soon, Mr...
06:57Sheriff Williams.
07:00If you will, Governor.
07:01Yes, sir.
07:02You never can tell where you're going to run across me.
07:06No, sir.
07:07In fact, that's what they all say about me in Rattlesnake Gulch.
07:10Oh, yes.
07:11Yes, sir.
07:13I know.
07:36Hey, you.
07:37Wait a minute.
07:39I can't.
07:40Can't wait.
07:41I'm in a hurry.
07:43I'm glad I bumped into you.
07:45You're one of the first people I wanted to square things with.
07:48You and the mayor and that girl.
07:51Don't shoot, Chad.
07:53You wouldn't shoot without giving me a chance.
08:06Nevada kids.
08:07Nevada kids.
08:13He's broke jail and he's come back to get us.
08:17The Nevada kids.
08:18What are you talking about?
08:20The Nevada kids.
08:21He's at the stage office now.
08:24You better be careful, Hank.
08:25That kid's a killer.
08:35Why, how did you get here?
08:37Weren't you expecting me?
08:39You don't think I'd let you and the others do that for me without coming back, do you?
08:44I don't understand.
08:46Where did you come from?
08:49By the penitentiary.
08:51Oh, broke up, did you?
08:53Well, you'll soon be on your way back.
08:58Wait a minute, Hank.
09:01You're not going after Malone.
09:03He'll kill you, sure.
09:06Now, don't get excited.
09:07Leave that to me.
09:08We better get him before he gets us.
09:22Don't draw, kid, or you'll be plugged before you reach it.
09:25Up with him.
09:26Sure had your nerve coming back to this town, kid.
09:30I reckon a fellow who busted jail...
09:32But he didn't.
09:33The governor pardoned him.
09:34What are you talking about, Joanne?
09:36Here's a pardon, all right, Charlie.
09:38The funny part of it is, he says the people of Rattlesnake Gulch signed a petition asking the governor to write it.
09:44I'll sign one to hang him.
09:46The only petition anybody here signed was about the county seat.
09:51That petition was stolen from me by his gang.
09:55Now I see it.
09:56They changed that petition.
09:58Stealing my wallet wasn't enough for them.
10:00They had to steal the whole county seat.
10:03Let me see it.
10:08Well, a pardon's a pardon.
10:11Here you are, kid.
10:12You're not going to let him get away with this?
10:14Don't see much we can do about it, Alec.
10:16He's being content with the law of the rest of them now.
10:19What he needs is the news.
10:20That's brave talk, but you got the drop on me.
10:22Just a minute.
10:23Put up the gun, Alec.
10:26And you be mighty careful what use you make of your gun after this, kid.
10:30Because the next time...
10:32There won't be any next time.
10:34The governor won't be sorry about what he's done for me
10:37because I'm starting with a clean slate,
10:39and it's going to stay clean.
10:41And as soon as I can get myself a job here...
10:43Who'd give you a job?
10:44Do we look crazy?
10:46Pardon the no pardon.
10:47This town ain't healthy for you, young fella,
10:49and you better clear out.
10:51But he means it.
10:52So do I.
10:53That's brave talk, Charlie.
10:54We're right.
11:02I'll be back, Miss Joanne.
11:32Let's go.
12:02Let's go.
12:03Let's go.
12:04Let's go.
12:05Let's go.
12:31Why, you rattler, you'd cheat if you were playing solitaire.
12:35Let's go.
13:01Who is it?
13:02Paul Revere.
13:03And I've had a long ride.
13:13The fatted calf has returned, you maverick.
13:15Put on the bacon for the prodigal.
13:17You old buzzard.
13:25I'm so happy you've come home.
13:27That's because of me, Chiquita.
13:29The Cherokee sees it that way.
13:31Go on, give her another smack.
13:36How are you, Buck?
13:37Fine, Slade.
13:39Glad you're back.
13:40Thanks, Gip.
13:41Glad to be here.
13:42You know, you've been like a lost brother since you was away.
13:45Come on, take the load off your feet.
13:52I don't know how to say it, Cherokee,
13:54about what you did for me,
13:56but you know what I mean.
13:58Ah, forget it.
13:59You don't think I'd let them poison you with that prison grub
14:02after being used to Rosita's cooking.
14:06How I missed him.
14:07Ah, not as much as we missed you, though.
14:10And I thought that petition was on the square.
14:13What a boob I was.
14:15That's what I thought
14:16when you let that dame on the stagecoach
14:18make a chimpanzee in the first place.
14:22Women are bad medicine for a youngster.
14:24I guess that medicine cured you all right.
14:26Of a lot of things, Cherokee.
14:28Why the laughs on the governor?
14:30We've saved your split for you
14:32out of every job since you've been away.
14:34I can't take it this time.
14:36Sure you can.
14:38You don't think we'd hold out on a partner.
14:41But you don't understand, Cherokee.
14:43I've got to be a different sort of a partner from now on.
14:47Ah, you're good enough for me the way you are.
14:49But things are getting too hot.
14:51Now there's a big shipping of gold dust coming through.
14:53Wait a minute.
14:54Now wait till I get through talking.
14:55We're going to pull up and take the trail to California.
14:58And when we get to new territory,
15:00you've got to listen to me, Cherokee.
15:04And take it easy while I'm telling you.
15:10From now on, you can count me out.
15:19A fella does a lot of thinking up there in the pen.
15:21And I promised myself when I got out,
15:23I was calling it quits.
15:29I think the poor hombre means it.
15:32Any objections, Slade?
15:34Not if you're yellow.
15:38It doesn't take much courage to rob women, folks.
15:42He did make a chump out of you.
15:47And what kind of a chump do you think you're making out of me?
15:54Your pardon, sure.
15:56No sheriffs or neckties looking for you.
15:58But I took chances getting you out of that hole.
16:01And what do I get for it?
16:04Oh, I guess it's all right, partner.
16:13I know that you gave me a chance to be different.
16:16And I'm not forgetting that.
16:19But nothing has to come between you and me, Cherokee.
16:39You understand, don't you, Rosita?
17:01It's sure tough,
17:03leaving here with you feeling the way you do, Cherokee.
17:06You pick your trail. Follow it.
17:18Come on.
17:49I'll tell you.
17:51It is no good that we have the fellow,
17:54what you call the Nevada kid,
17:56looking for a job in this town.
18:00Let him look for a job.
18:02He won't find any.
18:04I'll take care of that myself.
18:06It's a shame that a nice gal like Miss...
18:12Miss... Miss...
18:14It's a shame that a nice gal like Miss...
18:20has to feel sorry for a desperate character like him.
18:27He better not let me catch him hanging around her.
18:31You know, he's got everybody else buffaloed.
18:34They're scared to run him out of town.
18:36Well, I'll do it myself.
18:45All right, that's enough of that.
18:47Oh, excuse, please.
19:07Mr. Constable, it is a terrible thing that I have done.
19:11Mr. Constable, it is a terrible thing that has happened.
19:15This Nevada kid, he cut his throat for my customer.
19:19If he hadn't done it, he should have gone to
19:22before he finished shaving that alley.
19:27Come on, Brennan.
19:31Come on, Frenchy, come on.
19:33That's razor sharp enough.
19:35And make it a close shave.
19:37You have no idea how close he's going to be this time.
19:49So rough, Frenchy.
19:54Did I hear you say you were going to run me out of town?
19:57I was only fooling, kid.
19:59Just like you were fooling about catching me hanging around Miss Joanne, eh?
20:02Sure, kid.
20:03I'll bet you wish I'd gotten any other job but this one.
20:06Sure, kid, sure.
20:29Next, gentlemen.
20:30See, you got yourself a job, kid.
20:33She's no job, what he's got.
20:35Get out!
20:37Where do I get my pay?
20:47Two bits for a close shave like that?
20:50Come on, come on.
20:59There you are, boss.
21:01Merci, monsieur.
21:02Maybe she's good business who keeps his job.
21:06It'd be a better idea for you to get out of Rattlesnake Gulch before you run out.
21:12Why, you...
21:13Wait a minute, Alec.
21:15Brennan knows of a better idea than that.
21:19It depends on just how much on the level you are with this reform talk of yours.
21:23Of course, there are safer jobs than riding with my stages as guard,
21:27but shooting ought to be in your line.
21:30Are you crazy?
21:31Just a minute, Alec.
21:32What about it, kid?
21:35I'll have to think it over.
21:38It isn't exactly the kind of a job I was hankering for.
21:44I'll let you know.
22:02If I didn't know you were in your right mind...
22:04Tell it to Hank. It's his idea.
22:07Well, if he's on the square, he has his chance to prove it.
22:13Mr. Brennan spoke to you?
22:16I told him I'd think it over.
22:18But you said you had thought it over all the time you were in prison,
22:21and that you had made up your mind.
22:23It's not so easy for me to make up my mind about this.
22:26I know, but that's why they offered it to you.
22:28They want to find out if you're as sincere as...
22:31as I know you to be.
22:35Thanks, Miss Joanne.
22:37But aren't you afraid you're taking a pretty long chance on a fellow like me?
22:42It's the long chance, isn't it?
22:44That pays the best odds.
22:46If it wins.
22:49I'm sure it will.
22:51If it means anything to you.
22:58I'm sure it will.
23:14So you're going to be a stage guard, eh?
23:17Guess I wasn't far wrong.
23:19I told you you were a sucker.
23:21You'd listen to me, he'd still be where he was.
23:23I wish I had.
23:25You're making it tough on me, Cherokee.
23:29Why don't you quit it, like I did?
23:32You're not in so deep that you can't get out now.
23:35You'd like me to, wouldn't you?
23:37More than anything else on Earth.
23:39So you might be on Earth longer yourself, eh?
23:41That is, if there's nobody following that stage you're going to be riding with.
23:49I hoped you wouldn't force it to that.
23:52I want to be square with you, Cherokee.
23:54That's why I came back here.
23:56But I've got to be square with myself, too.
24:00If it's my job to protect that stage, Coach...
24:04I'm going to do it.
24:06Even if it means...
24:07Then you better shoot straight and fast.
24:12Is that all you've got to say?
24:14There won't be no need for any more words when you see me coming.
24:31Before you start shooting men in the back, Slade,
24:34you had better practice your draw a bit.
25:39Horses are ready. Let's drift.
25:43We ain't going.
25:46A double-crossing kid wouldn't stop me.
25:48You'd cut your own mother's throat, wouldn't you, Slade?
25:51Where do you get off to tell us where to go?
25:53I'm running this outfit.
25:54Well, we don't like the way you're running it.
25:56And we're going to see this through without you.
25:58How about it, Chip?
26:00That's right.
26:06Oh, I don't blame you.
26:08I guess I'm a sucker at that.
26:10No, no. You don't go away.
26:15Well, looks like a two-way split.
26:17Come on.
26:23Come on.
26:31Sometimes I think I'm right.
26:34Es mala suerte. Muy mala suerte.
26:54Hey, what's the matter?
26:56Nothing, mister.
26:58If you ain't here, I'm hiding ahead.
27:00Looking for trouble, ain't you?
27:02If I find it, you'll know soon enough.
27:23Hey, Miller! Miller!
27:43Hey, Miller! Miller!
27:53They're getting to a doctor. I'm going after him.
27:55I guess they'll be waiting for you with yours, Sheriff.
27:59What are you driving at?
28:01I'll leave that to the others when I tell them where you went.
28:06You got any accusing to do, you'll do it while I'm listening.
28:09So I'm going with you.
28:11All right.
28:23Come on.
28:48When he told me to wait, I knew there was something wrong.
28:51And then you wanted to follow him.
28:53Well, that's enough proof, Mr. Brown, that he's in with them.
28:55We ought to string him up. That's what.
28:59We ought to have done that first when he come back with a pardon.
29:02How's Miller, Hank?
29:05Cashed in, boys.
29:09But you don't believe that I...
29:11Of course not.
29:13I know it's unfair of the others, but how can anything change their minds now?
29:22Old man Miller's dead, Joanne.
29:33I know what the rest of them think, Mr. Brennan.
29:35But you don't believe that I...
29:51Come on.
30:21Well, why don't you stop him?
30:24We'll trail him and drop the rest of them, too.
30:27Come on, Bill. Fix. All right.
30:29On your horses. Let's go.
30:37Follow me, boys.
30:51Come on.
31:22Please, you don't leave Rosita.
31:24I'll send for you, Chiquita.
31:26As soon as I know where I'm going to be.
31:29You're not going anywhere, Cherokee.
31:31Not until you hand over that express company's money.
31:36Then you better get going fast.
31:38They're after you for murder.
31:40No, no. He was not with them when they robbed the stage.
31:42I was a chump not to.
31:44Because of you, he stay here.
31:46They leave him. And now he was going away from me.
31:49So he don't make no trouble for you.
31:51A fine partner. So you're going to turn me over.
31:54You've got me wrong, Cherokee.
31:56All I want is that money to take back with me.
31:59You might have got to hear that, kid.
32:01You double-crossing.
32:03I didn't do this, Cherokee.
32:05And you've got me there.
32:07That's sweet. Watch the rest of your outfit.
32:09I'm no double-crosser.
32:11He doesn't know. He wasn't with them.
32:13Just on your way to join them.
32:15Well, they have a long time to wait for you.
32:18I tell you, he's through with them.
32:20That's why he was going away.
32:22You don't take him away.
32:24You don't take him away.
32:26You don't take him away. Don't go.
32:28That's all right, Chiquita. I'll be back.
32:30Sure. He'll be back, Chiquita.
32:32You think I don't know what to do?
32:34I guess Slade was right.
32:36Don't go. You can't take him away.
32:39You can't go. You can't go.
32:42All right, Cherokee. Come on.
32:45Get out! Get out!
32:47Wait a minute, Rosita. Wait a minute.
32:50We'll get him out of this, all right.
32:52But we've got to think fast.
33:15Come on.
33:45Come on.
34:11If you please, mister.
34:13Can I see Senor Cherokee?
34:15Oh, you're his girl, ain't you?
34:20Sure, sorry, but I got orders not to.
34:26Oh, but I must see him.
34:28You better come back after I ask Hank.
34:34But you will give him these?
34:39Oh, sure.
34:42Oh, gracias, senor. Gracias.
34:46Good gracias to you, senorita.
34:51Gracias, senor.
35:03Why didn't you let me see her?
35:05I, I, I, I gotta ask...
35:08Hey, Hank.
35:15Your, your, your girl brought you this.
35:19But it's a shame to, to waste it on you.
35:23You, you wouldn't know how it smells tomorrow.
35:26Go away from here or I'll wring your neck.
35:28Don't, don't, don't, don't you get tough with me.
35:31I'm gonna, I'll, I'll, I'll shoot you.
35:38I'm gonna shoot you.
36:09Hmm, chicken.
36:13I'll go for one of those legs myself.
36:26That's good.
36:27Where'd you get it?
36:29His gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, gi, girl brought it.
36:34Me and your girl brought this chicken for you.
36:37I don't want it.
36:39Oh, you don't want it as a platter, do you?
36:41You better eat it.
36:43All right.
36:45I know it'll be good if Rosita...
37:04Everything is all right.
37:23Don't let him see you here, Rosita.
37:25Come on.
37:35Your horse will be ready in about five minutes.
37:38Well, hurry it up.
37:39I gotta get going.
37:42Your horse will be ready in about five minutes.
37:45Well, hurry it up.
37:46I gotta get going.
38:06Why, hello, Miss Joyanne.
38:08I was coming over and see you as soon as I got my horse.
38:10my heart. That's
38:15a matter why nothing but to try to see you that's all.
38:28I'm not. Sorry he got away.
38:36He would have never gone right and how do you suppose he got out.
38:41Why don't you ask the Nevada kid what do you mean this job.
38:48I can't bring the horse that man escaped on well I guess that's what you're going
38:52to get you know that the next time we pick for your partner and I pardon and I'm
38:56going to save you I'd like them up.
40:10Going to. I figured I'd catch up with you fellas
40:18a little late about
40:19a charity. They slapped me in jail for what you did slain the kid framed it and I
40:25got away. Rosita tells me they've got the kid. Hanging in my place well.
40:32You don't think I'd let him do it. Me know that I'm taking the express company's
40:38gold back. I don't get excited Cherokee I'm not
40:45just careful. You don't think we'd let that kid hang do you but how do we know
40:51you're on the square with it you might ride along a ways and find out.
41:05I well.
41:27I've gone down. You made
41:31a bad guess road agent I'm not carrying anything that you want you're carrying
41:35a couple of us back and I'd express company's gold you've been missing bring it
41:56If you're
42:01right straight ahead and don't drive like you're going to a funeral or it'll be
42:05yours that's right Cherokee if you don't get there it's liable to be somebody's
42:34I think we were going to. You know kind of
42:39a is my place and I'm taking it because it was me it doesn't get back but they
42:45will come back. Who would believe her she's one of them you're going to turn him
42:51over to.
42:52All of them I understand you're not taking him you'll save yourself
42:56a lot of trouble if you take it out of us and you know it.
43:03Maybe you're right I'll bring it over and think fast.
43:44Too bad when you got
43:46a new deal kid you didn't play your cards right. There's always
43:52a joker in the deck isn't there Hank. This time your fellow citizens are going to
43:57draw it. When you don't show up for
44:00a part of that holding out there for you. I'm going to slip me out and take it
44:06across the city. Right now. And you've got to stick with me.
44:11Before you go I want you to know that I'm sorry but I had so much faith in you
44:17that when you help charity get away I thought that the others were right and that
44:20I've been wrong I realized afterwards that he was your friend and that he had the
44:24real faith in you.
44:29When you figure how it's going to turn him over to us we're not waiting to find out.
44:36Don't worry.
44:42You can't get away with it we're going to take you along to make it through this
44:47kid I'm going to get him out of here going you're going to.
44:57But you can't do this it's murder it's lawless Joanne without the timing.
45:11Of the.
45:29Night in the back.
45:35When the enslaved got in. Cherokee said they were bringing back the express
45:39company's money.
46:00You wanted a life for
46:02a man Miller's didn't you well you've got it without any trouble on your part now
46:08someone's got to answer for Cherokee. Give me
46:11a gun and I'll save you that trouble.
46:39What's the matter with you you're nervous and it's right are you.
46:46Well who wouldn't be you get away with Cherokee didn't you yeah we were and you
46:52left the kid in the gym didn't you and if you're smart you'll still trail along
46:56with me because I ain't backward and getting what I want.
47:16Leave that alone. Take your hands off that.
47:26Put it down. You weren't in the coach when Cherokee and I came to the parting of
47:33the ways where you. Know. Cherokee got his in the back what do you want your.
47:41I mean that. You don't think I'm going to split with you do you.
47:48Come on. We split up to 50 we split nothing.
48:00You're quick like the kid you're heading for the end of
48:03a row. While I'm putting like a kid. But I hadn't for the end
48:10a normal. I'm going over the line. And I'm taking my share with me.
48:22Oh. That's what I say.
48:35Are you one.
49:48Get. I got let him get the idea you stay out of this get.
49:53I got let him get the idea you stay out of this get.
49:56Oh, you're not jerking in the back, did you?
50:22Well, you split, eh?
50:47The stuff's going back with me.
50:53I'll be seeing you sometime, Jeff.
50:56Maybe when I'm honeymooning.
50:57So long.
50:58So long.
51:58So long.