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  • il y a 2 ans
Une jeune femme se confie sur le rêve étrange qu’elle a fait et nous entraîne à sa suite dans une plongée sensorielle et cauchemardesque. « Et qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire que ce n’était qu’un rêve ? »
00:06And what makes you say that it was just a dream?
00:10Some details.
00:12First, there was this strange light…
00:17I was following a man.
00:18I don’t know why.
00:23He wasn’t my kind of man
00:25but I was attracted to him.
00:34There was this couple who seemed
00:36to be mutating, fighting like snakes…
00:41And something was watching me…
02:04That is when I woke up.
02:07And what makes you say that
02:08it was just a dream?