• il y a 2 ans
Sophie et Antoine sont deux jeunes adultes, amoureux comme personne. Ils vivent tout ensemble, les moments les plus joyeux comme les premiers petits tracas de la vie de grand. Leur amour paraît être enfantin, juvénile ... comme une vision de celle d'un bambin de 12 ans... Pourquoi ?
Un peu de légèreté et de lâché prise dans ce monde pleins de pressions et restrictions, afin de vous rappeller que tout est possible, ramener à l'essence même du bonheur, l'essentiel.
00:08Hello today it’s january 6th
00:10and we will talk about women’s who cannot wake up at the morning.
00:13Stop that !
00:14Yes ! It’s hard to wake up at the morning, very hard,
00:15every one know this , so go on.
00:16Are you ready to have a nice day ?
00:17Yes ! But you’re annoying me in the morning.
00:19It’s not serious.
00:45I don’t understand what seems « income tax ».
00:47So you don’t know what is it ?
00:50Hello sir,
00:52it's Sophie.
00:53Hey hello Sophie.
00:54I’m calling you because …
00:56we can’t pay the taxes this month.
00:59What does it means ?
01:00We can’t because we have to take care of something very small and totally new in our lives.
01:03Oh ! Okay ! That’s not a problem for us !
01:07Have a nice day.
01:13That’s look like Mr Didier, the school director, no ?
01:17Your school director was called Mr Didier ? You too ?
01:20Sophie… We were at the same school.
01:23Really ?
01:49Little Boy !
01:51Little Boy ! If you could achieve one of your dreams,
01:52which one will you achieve ?
01:54And you little girl ? Which one ?
01:57So… Me…
01:58There is a girl that i like in my school,
02:01she’s called Sophie.
02:03My biggest dream...
02:05It’s to marry Sophie.
02:07Being giraffe breeder in Africa.
02:09Yes, to marry Sophie.