Train fantôme (destination inconnue)

  • il y a 2 ans
Pour ceux qui ont vécu dans ce monde depuis 2 ans, ce film présente un petit aperçu de l'état d'esprit dans lequel vous vous trouvez peut-être.
Le rêve est ici malheureusement réalité.
00:01Wake up!
01:01The situation is worrying
01:03The fifth wave is definitely here. It is strong.
01:06We already know it is stronger than...
01:09I decided to convene a new Security and Defense Council
01:13on the health crisis convene a new Security and Defense Council... implement complementary measures
01:25first thing on Monday
01:28The situation is worrying, the fifth wave is here...
01:32The situation is worrying
01:34The fifth wave is definitely here. It is strong.
01:36We already know it is stronger
01:40than the fourth wave
02:04With apparition of the French Prime Minister and the Minister of State for Health
02:09This film was shot with a smartphone in the autumn of 2021 - COVID year #2