Ulsavamelam is a 1992 Malayalam film directed by Suresh Unnithan and written by Urvashi (actress). The rivalry between two family and the unexpected middle man in these issues are the main theme of the film. Thekumpuram and Vadakumpuram are rival families in the village, and the focal point for their clashes is who has the right over the village temple and its festivals. The film stars Sureshgopi, Urvasi, Jagathi Sreekumar, Narendra Prasad, Sankaradi in lead roles.
Name : Ulsavamelam
Director : Suresh Unnithan
Actor : Suresh Gopi
Actress : Urvasi
Story : Urvasi
Producer : Raghu | Ambili | Gopalakrishnan
Music : Mohan Sithara
Lyricist : ONV Kurup
Banner : Casio Productions
Year : 1992
Short film