• 3 years ago
The words in English from Psalms 32:11, and 33:1-4 are as follows:

“Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous;
Sing, all you who are upright in heart!
Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous;
it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.
Praise the Lord with the harp;
Make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre.
Sing to Him a new song;
Play skillfully, and shout for joy.
For the Word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all that He does.”

(New International Version)

The vocal group named Radost, Godovič, with group leader Damjan Vončin, performs Exultate Justi by Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (1560--1627) on 8 December 2013. This was at a regional competition of adult choirs in Postojna, Slovenia.

This was sung in the Alojz Srebotnjak Hall. The Hall is named after the late Slovenian composer. The Hall is within the Postojna Music School. The school is located at Ljubljanska cesta 10, 6230 Postojna.

Слова на русском языке из Псалмов 32:11 и 33:1-4 следующие:

«Радуйтесь в Господе и веселитесь, праведники;
Пойте, все правые сердцем!
Радостно пойте Господу, праведные;
праведным подобает хвалить Его.
Хвалите Господа на гуслях;
Сыграйте Ему музыку на десятиструнной лире.
Пойте Ему новую песню;
Играйте умело и кричите от радости.
Ибо Слово Господа верно и истинно;
Он верен во всем, что делает».

Les mots en français des Psaumes 32 :11 et 33 :1-4 sont les suivants :

« Réjouissez-vous dans le Seigneur et soyez dans l'allégresse, vous les justes ;
Chantez, vous tous qui avez le cœur droit !
Chantez joyeusement au Seigneur, justes;
il convient aux hommes droits de le louer.
Louez le Seigneur avec la harpe;
Faites-lui de la musique sur la lyre à dix cordes.
Chantez-Lui un nouveau cantique;
Jouez habilement et criez de joie.
Car la Parole du Seigneur est juste et vraie ;
Il est fidèle dans tout ce qu'il fait.

As palavras em português de Salmos 32:11 e 33:1-4 são as seguintes:

“Regozijai-vos no Senhor e exultai, ó justos;
Cantem, todos vocês que são retos de coração!
Cantem alegremente ao Senhor, vocês justos;
convém aos justos louvá-Lo.
Louvai ao Senhor com a harpa;
Faça música para Ele na lira de dez cordas.
Cante para Ele uma nova canção;
Jogue com habilidade e grite de alegria.
Pois a Palavra do Senhor é certa e verdadeira;
Ele é fiel em tudo o que faz.”
