• 3 years ago
Amuse: Independent Record Label & Music Distributionwww.amuse.io
Amuse is an independent record label and music distributor. We've launched the careers of some of the world's top independent artists and you could be next!

*Amuse Free feature :
100% royalties
Default release date*
4 week delivery
Royalty splits
Default label name**
One artist profile
Customer support

*Amuse pro feature
INR 299.92/month*
100% royalties
Schedule releases
Fast lane releases
Custom label name
Multi-artist profiles
Royalty splits
Music on Instagram
Music on TikTok
YouTube Content ID
Team members
Fast lane support

Release today!
Submit your release today and join the hundreds of thousands of artists using Amuse.
Make sure you have these assets ready:

Square cover art with a size of at least 3000x3000px
Audio files with 44,1 kHz and 16-bit stereo

Amuse Pro is the set of tools that helps you unlock the next level of your independent artist career. Get access to fast lane releases, add team members with royalty splits and put your music on Instagram and TikTok. Sign up now!

100% royalties
Default release date*
4 week delivery
Royalty splits
Default label name**
One artist profile
Customer support
INR 299.92/month*
100% royalties

Skip the line
Get your music out quickly with fast lane releases.
Be our VIP
Guaranteed 24 hour support responses for any issue.

Get it all out
Schedule and upload as many simultaneous releases as you want.
Available everywhere
Release your music to Instagram and TikTok.
Splits with no fees
Keep 100% of your splits
Invite the Team
Add your manager, band members and collaborators to your profile
Gather your projects
Add multiple artist profiles and access them all from one account.
YouTube Content ID
Qualify for YouTube Content ID to spot and earn when Youtubers use your songs in their videos.

Fast lane releases lets you skip the line
Get your music out into the world faster with Amuse Pro. Your releases still have to follow the music stores’ guidelines, but signing up for Pro lets you release your music as quickly as two weeks from upload. We also guarantee support responses within 24 hours.
”So much in music is about timing, that’s why it’s awesome to be able to schedule releases precisely and upload as many songs as I want at the same time.”

Split It Up
Pro users get access to splits with no fees, meaning they keep 100% of their share! Just add collaborators, managers and other team members, and never hassle with royalty payouts again.

Let your team be part of it
Get the full overview with Amuse Pro. Add additional artist profiles, invite your manager, producer or other team members. Then access it all with your Amuse Pro account.

Promote your music everywhere
You’ve worked hard for your releases, now make sure they’re available in as many places as possible. With Amuse Pro you can put your music on Instagram and TikTok, and earn money when your songs are being used in YouTube videos.

How do we stack up against our competitors


