...تصعيد متواصل في شوارع السودان منذ حل حكو...

  • 2 years ago
00:02A continuous escalation in the streets of Sudan since the dissolution of the government of Hamdoun last October. What are the most prominent demonstrations witnessed by the country?
00:11And what are the most important slogans that you are asking for
00:16Since the overthrow of the military component by civilians of power? At the end of last October, the millions of demonstrations continued in Sudan
00:23in search for the restoration of the civil state,
00:26including the demonstrations of the 13th of last November, which raised three no negotiations and no partnership
00:34The military component is illegitimate.
00:36A penalty to the signing of the agreement by Hamad Brook with Al-Barhan. Massive demonstrations took place on the 21st of last November, which confirmed the full civil state
00:46It rejects political negotiations with the army.
00:48The series of demonstrations continued to bring out the street on the anniversary of the start of the revolution in mid-December. Once again, he called for civil rule
00:57in light of the escalation of violence
00:59by the regular forces. At the end of the year, the demonstrations renewed once again the emphasis on the street's adherence to the civil rule
01:08Violence against demonstrators has increased.
01:10Days after the demonstrations, Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun was forced to resign as a result of the blockage of the political horizon in the country. On January 6th
01:19the revolutionary forces called for new demonstrations
01:22Within a series of escalating demonstrations throughout this month to increase the pressure on the military component to hand over power to civilians,
01:32With us from Khartoum, Mr. Ahmed Abdel Ghani, the political writer, the beginning of how far will he succeed
01:40the popular pressure through demonstrations by pushing the Sovereign Council and the army to sit at the negotiating table, and also
01:49Consensus road map research
01:54In my opinion, the demonstrations were used before against the head of the former regime
02:00Omar Al-Bashir, and this is one of the football that succeeded completely during the past period in toppling the government. So that's the move
02:08is a facilitation closer to the steps taken by
02:12Gather the Sudanese professionals. And this time, the resistance committees are adopting these demonstrations, which demand three more
02:21in a city full of fat for the transitional government in Sudan during the period
02:25The rest. Therefore, I think that this generosity will put great pressure on the current transitional government in Sudan
02:33or on the sovereign council in Sudan after the resignation of the prime minister
02:38Sudanese Abdullah Hamad. Therefore, this step, in my opinion, if it did not fall, will constitute a great pressure on the government to reach
02:46to a political formula that satisfies all parties.
02:49Therefore, I think that this step, in my opinion, should be noticed, and we should sit down and negotiate with these movements which
02:58or carried out by this force.