...استمرارا خلال هذا العام وبحث عن فرص بالن...

  • 2 years ago
00:00continuing this year and looking for opportunities for companies by suppliers or by
00:07Funding that comes from contributors. Don't forget that
00:11The program for the development of the financial sector in Saudi Arabia aims at raising the percentage of companies listed in the T.C. and sleep on all. We will talk about
00:21Expectations of listed companies
00:23for the results of its work during the fourth quarter of last year. Joining us from Manama, the head of the investment research department in Bank negociico
00:33Bahraini welcome Mr. Nasheed.
00:36Let us talk about your recent expectations of some leading and sports sectors in the Saudi market, including the banking sector. you expected
00:45decreases in nbe sector
00:48in return for an increase in all the components of the banking sector. Why?
00:57In general, we expect the banks to perform well
01:05With regard to the National Bank, there is a topic
01:09the merger and this will lead to some retreat,
01:13But on the contrary, we expect the Saudi banks to perform well. Last year, we had
01:20high allocations. In the fourth quarter, we do not expect the allocations to be high, and we are confident that the growth of credit and loans will continue, and this matter
01:30will support Saudi banks in general,
01:34This will also depend on the increase in the size of mortgages, and this is what we are focusing on. And among the banks
01:43We expect the Al-Rajeh Bank to do a good job and negotiate. I've got the bank
01:50Specifically, growth due to the growth of mortgages, mortgages, and development loans should have a better overall performance.
02:00What about cutting off communications with the increase in the market share of Cece? is the highest in Saudi Arabia, but the expectations were five percent growth.
02:08Still, he expected everyone to care It was a lot higher than STC. What are the reasons for that?
02:16I mean, one must look at
02:22Base. The launch base for Mobily is based on a lower base. As for Estefi, it continues to benefit
02:32of activities related to the government, and this supports their profitability in general. My cell phone is also growing
02:41in the consumer and corporate sector, and because its base last year was smaller, and therefore
02:51Even if you jump the absolute number, it'll look better, and we think that