...قررت الملكة اليزابيث الأولى في العام ألف...

  • 2 years ago
00:00Queen Elizabeth I decided in 1592 that the eighths of Sunderland should be exactly one mile
00:08But that wasn't 5,000 feet, that was 5,280 feet. Therefore, the length of the English mile was more than 1.6 kilometers, and this is still to this day
00:21Horse racing tracks in England are still measured by the Verizon Unit, the oldest racetrack in England called the Cover Track
00:30It has been working since the year 1539 and is about its length. Nine Veer Long
00:36The body-measure system spread from England in the Middle Ages to the British Empire, taking into account new variables
00:46on July 1st, 1959, and then unifying it as the Anglo-American measurement system, but this was not easier. Twelve inches is one foot, three feet is one foot, one thousand seven hundred sixty yards is five thousand two hundred eighty feet.
01:05Both are equal to one mile that is not entirely appropriate for international relations and trade. yet the americans and the english still cling to it . The English use kilometers today, but they still use the mile. This also applies to many former colonies And in the United States
01:25Mile & Co is still the main measurement system even in France and Germany. The body measurements are not completely gone. Until today.
01:34We are still determining the size of the screen and the capacity of the car tires or the bicycle and some clothes sizes in the stock exchange. These measurements are now being kept in the technical area.
01:45In the field of aviation, it is still necessary to measure altitude by foot
01:54Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:08I am.
02:10It's impossible to imagine Paris without a treasure… a masterpiece invented by the tongue
02:19The engineer who designed the router has his name all over the world
02:36It didn't just start in tongue town
02:45Friday and Saturday from 11:30 Saudi time
02:50on the thing
02:52Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.