...نتيجة سريعة الى حد ما في التفاوض حول الض...

  • 2 years ago
00:00A fairly quick result in the negotiation of the proposed Russian security guarantees indicates the danger of a sharp change in the security situation in Europe.
00:12White House spokeswoman Jane Sake said the United States was not responding to Russia's security proposals. Point by point.
00:21She added J. sake that his country
00:24seeking to discuss all the controversial issues at once, stressing that Washington will discuss with Moscow
00:32the issues of invading neighboring countries and using chemical weapons on foreign lands
01:14rebuilding the European security. This is what the talks between the West and Russia should seek. The details are in an article by The FourO Magazine, the most prominent of which is
01:25the real goal of the russian president is to limit the ability of ukraine and other eastern european countries to control their fate , according to the foreign affairs magazine .
01:35the magazine adds that putin wants to deprive ukraine of its independence
01:39and its ability to join NATO and the European Union
01:42and joining in general to the gharib. Foreign Affairs magazine discusses in its article the reasons for this Russian orientation,
01:49It points out that Moscow fears the creation of a democratic political model, of course Western, near its borders.
01:56And evidence of Putin's invasion of Ukraine
02:00and included Crimea in 2014. The American magazine says that the United States and its allies cannot allow this to happen,
02:08They must do their utmost to avoid war.
02:12The talks should also focus on rebuilding the European security structure. The magazine adds that despite Moscow's tendency to hold talks with Washington alone,
02:21However, the negotiations must take place in a multilateral manner,
02:25Washington cannot talk about European security without allies
02:29until the Ukrainian security decided without how. To reach a result in the upcoming talks, Foreign Affairs considered that security in Europe today is more dangerous than ever
02:40since the end of the Cold War. Therefore, Russia, the United States, NATO and other countries in Europe must rebuild the foundations of European security
02:49and agree on the basic principles. The American magazine concludes its article by saying that the equation that will guarantee peace
02:57is the agreement on Russia's right