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  • 2 years ago
00:00In addition to a monastery, the first flower and the greatness of the Portuguese crown in the 18th century
00:06We pass through Lisbon, the center of the world for three centuries
00:10Towards the bridges of the ancient witch of Porto, drowning in the various gardens of Sintra, its palaces, and the depth of its secrets
00:19And her spiritual journeys
00:22A country where we explore the expansion of its maritime empire and cross its narrow streets, enraged by the fadi's tune
00:33Portugal is a land of explorers
00:37from the World Heritage Series on Saturday 5th Saudi time on Al-Shar'.
00:44We will watch here shortly the East News.
00:54Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:56I am
01:00Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:03I am
01:09Welcome back. As we talked before the break about the latest news from the meeting of the committee, the open committee,
01:19Technical Committee
01:20in OPEC Plus, which started its meeting a little while ago. The committee now says that
01:28The oil market will turn to interest
01:31From the first quarter of this year to the next, Ton Tito Ono
01:39from the first quarter of this year until after that. And she had stated
01:44A few minutes before that, the oil market is currently in a state of balance
01:50So the oil market. The ministerial monitoring committee in Nas says that the oil market is in a state of
01:56Balance at the moment
01:58So the number of injuries is assuming
02:00They arrive in the United States yesterday with more than one million injuries. This is the highest daily rate recorded in the world since the pandemic began.
02:10But it seems that even with the record highs in the injuries, they still
02:14Hospital admission rates are low, which suggests that it is a wave of this virus or this. The new mutation from the virus
02:22It might be less disturbing
02:25About previous waves, Delta and Alpha and others. Over the past week, I've shown five different studies
02:34that a shifter or a micron does not infect the lungs easily like the previous strains of the virus,
02:39Which means that people with amniocron are less likely to die than people with previous HIV-free stimuli. According to the results
02:48This research, the infection caused by a mutant or micron, remains confined
02:53in the upper respiratory system, i.e. the nose and throat, and it does not spread to the rest of the body, such as