...ان المجتمع الديمقراطي ة تشكل هذا المجتمع...

  • 2 years ago
00:00that the democratic society will be formed. This society will approve and resist any coup and any step
00:06to militarize the state, even if Ahmadou was completely absent from the scene,
00:10considering that many expect that the man might return to the Sovereignty Council under a new scenario or perhaps new negotiations or a new regional pressure.
00:18Many believe that Hamdoun may represent the point of view of the international community and will not give up
00:23Of course, the international community is aware of its visions or its perceptions of the issue of the Sudanese revolution, and it sees a lot of betting on the Sudanese model
00:33It's used to uproot totalitarianism
00:35also to be followed in the drafting of democracy and human rights and the promotion of freedoms and minorities
00:40In light of the search for
00:43the overriding of the national interest. Mr. Youssef, what is the middle ground in which he can meet
00:50the parties, especially that the demands of the street are not fully accepted by the Council?
00:57First, a street must create a unified leadership, a main leadership and not a horizontal one.
01:05But not in the manner of kidnapping that we witnessed yesterday with the smile of speakers
01:10Without resorting to rules without resorting to the output of construction. The rule that is forming now
01:15There is a good initiative, and perhaps a painful one, with the spread of a new protest that is totally different from the pattern that toppled the regime
01:22deposed president omar al - bashir . This reality must be blessed by the arrival of an agreed upon vertical leadership on the street
01:29in which the role of the partisans retreats.
01:32the political formations in favor of the protest and revolutionary forces. On the other hand, the military needs to make more concessions
01:40or more faith in the constitutional document considering that it is the ruling document for the transitional period.
01:45If the two parties have this equation and these perceptions, I think that we can establish a middle logic in which the rational people intervene
01:53mediators without agendas,
01:56the subversive agenda, specifically the intersection with democracy, and that
02:00Gabriel, this is a reality if it's formed. If we reach the stage of this awareness, we may find middle areas on which a serious and practical dialogue is based.
02:08Thank you Mr. Yousef Al-Jalal, political writer,
02:14You were with us from Khartoum, thank you very much
02:21So after the resignation of Abdullah Hamad Locke inside Sudan to a new dark tunnel to deepen the resignation. Political crisis
02:30Review of the evolution of events in this report
02:36On November 11th, the proof formed a new transitional sovereign council
02:41he excluded four representatives of the forces of freedom and change from him and kept his position as president of the council .
02:48General Mohammed Hamdan Dog, commander of the Rapid Support Forces, also retained his post as vice-president of the Council
02:55He pledged to organize free and transparent elections in July.