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  • 2 years ago
00:00Attacks reflected on other files, including the Juba peace agreement
00:04which several items are still frozen as a result of the division of the civil political forces
00:10on the partnership with the military component. In the midst of these events, the crisis of eastern Sudan, which the military component could not
00:19to find radical solutions to it
00:21while the ceiling of demands rose to reach the right of self-determination.
00:27The crises continued to reach the sovereign council, which was formed by the military with the participation of some civil forces.
00:33With the increase of violence in the street, resignations started to follow by the civilian members of the sovereign council.
00:42Since the outbreak of the December revolution in Sudan two years ago, events have continued in various directions.
00:49The crisis in Khartoum began to escalate one by one
00:53until it ended with the resignation of Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun K. As the most prominent stations of that crisis.
01:01On December 19, 2018, the spark of change started in Sudan
01:07let a series of demonstrations start demanding the overthrow of Al-Bashir and the pillars of his rule.
01:12After four months of these demonstrations, the Sudanese army announced the dismissal of President Omar Al-Bashir on April 11, 2009
01:21Let Sudan start a new chapter in its history.
01:25Tensions continued in the street between civilians and military personnel until the two parties reached an agreement to share power on August 17, 2019.
01:35The signing of that Agreement has been accompanied by considerable international momentum.
01:40Under that agreement, the structures of the transitional authority, topped by the civilian government led by Abdullah Hamad, were formed
01:47Which was sworn in on September 5th
01:50in two thousand nineteen. One year after the formation of that government, its efforts culminated in the signing of the peace agreement with the armed movements
02:00on October 4th, 2020.
02:02After painstaking consultations, Hamad announced the formation of his second government on the 8th of last February, which included the leaders of the armed movements
02:11signed a peace agreement.
02:13Away from Khartoum, eastern Sudan has witnessed escalating tensions since the signing of the Peace Agreement, resulting from these tensions
02:22Port Sudan port closed by bega leaders
02:26in the middle of last September, refusing to implement the recommendations of the East Track. After months of escalating disputes between civilians and the military
02:34The army commander, Abdul Fattah Al-Barhan, announced
02:37the dissolution of the government of Hamad K. and freezing some articles of the constitutional document on the 25th of last October. And as a result of those actions
02:45The pace of demonstrations escalated in the street
02:48demanding the return of the civil government. About a month later. Hamdoun said that there is a political agreement between him and the military component
02:57But that's the move