...نوافذ المنازل باستخدام أسلحة بان زير فوس...

  • 2 years ago
00:00Windows of the houses are fitted with Pannipezier and Anti-Tank Voss weapons. The Soviets have lost many victims
00:10While Berlin is plunged into chaos, even the Allies are marching south.
00:16On April 25th, American forces and the Red Army were captured on the banks of the Alba River
00:32The what?
00:38Obviously, there were Red Army commissioners who were afraid of being associated with Western capitalism and their work. They were trying to control the troops.
00:49American soldiers were responsible, and sometimes they were a little afraid to meet their counterparts in the Red Army.
00:56We were in their uniform and their weapons were rusted
00:59He's in pretty bad shape. But anyway,
01:03The lack of understanding of this inter-cultural conflict has been very dramatic. None of them spoke the other's language if they shared an Egyptian toast or anything possible to communicate. But I think that the real idea that was going on in the minds of the Americans
01:19It's Hamad al-Rubaie on the end of the war, they can leave this old world and corrupt Europe to continue their private lives and return home.
01:28They've done their duty
01:30Waiting to come home. The men are standing in front of the photographers
01:38a symbolic picture that perpetuates the event
01:41On the left is American Lieutenant William Robertson, and on his side is Soviet Lieutenant Alexander Salva Complaining
01:49This symbolic picture has spread all over the world.
01:55Apart from these loud celebrations, the victors punish Hitler's Italian allies
02:02April 28th, Benito Muslims were executed by the resistance fighters.
02:11The next day in Milan, the fascist leader and his mistress were hung upside down
02:17The crowd cheered angry in front of their bodies
02:23The news of the humiliating death of these arrived in Germany.
02:30Hitler saw it, and he was afraid of publicly defaming his body.
02:37So he was determined to burn his body
02:41I am
02:43Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:46And so you're free to trap Hitler. According to the latest studies, he took cyanide before shooting himself in the head.
02:56Germany has collapsed
02:59It's for her own good.