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  • 2 years ago
00:00It can be controlled
00:02the various parties in Lebanon that are fighting among themselves and causing this chaos.
00:10And I have no idea if that's possible or not, but I can tell
00:18that we may not welcome authoritarian regimes, but worse than a authoritarian regime is
00:25Order based on chaos. Unfortunately, this is what we see in Lebanon today.
00:34Therefore, the only solution I see is through a strong leader who controls Al-Walashort. I mean, there is an opportunity for Lebanon in 2020. Perhaps I will ask Mr. Dr. Jassem about this matter,
00:49There are three benefits
00:51Lebanon is waiting for this year. It may constitute a new turning point for Lebanon.
00:56I mean, there are parliamentary elections, municipal and presidential elections.
01:01Do you expect that this opportunity before Lebanon will be exploited by the Lebanese to reach safety, or is it
01:10will be affected by the postponements
01:12Lebanon is getting out of this year without benefit?
01:19Dear sir, with regard to the parliamentary benefit, which is considered the most important benefit in the coming stage,
01:29Because it is the Parliament that votes on the laws and it will give confidence to the government.
01:35We believe that there is a red international line on this level, and there was my head
01:42the seriousness of the international community and the latest of it
01:46The message of the Secretary-General of the United Nations when he arrived when he visited Beirut for a few days was clear
01:54No return, no postponement, no scheduling adjustment
02:00to the parliamentary elections. Will the Lebanese be able to make good choices in this regard?
02:10This depends on several factors. The first factor is the need
02:15Today, the Lebanese have become in need, and a large part of them really need money and a life
02:23Less, let me say at the lowest levels,
02:27The electoral financial impact could therefore be to modify the soundness of the vote and make inappropriate choices.
02:37I mean, as they say, this is a very important thing. Al-Alim, the media should be aware of the options
02:47And the voting should be on programs, not on people or on parties as parties
02:54On the one hand, in terms of political projects, the project must be