...له بمناسبة العام الجديد بمواجهة المخاطر ...

  • 2 years ago
00:00on the occasion of the New Year by facing the risks that may prevent his country from becoming a leading world power.
00:07at the same time , he warned of the potential dangers that beset his country .
00:11He stressed that China will work to unify both sides of the Taiwan Strait, in a reference to the autonomous island, which is considered by Beijing
00:21Land belonging to her.
00:23We must always maintain a long-term perspective and remain aware of the potential risks,
00:31and to maintain the strategic focus and determination
00:35We reach the broad and wonderful range with careful processing.
00:41India has denounced China's de facto policy in disputed areas between the two countries.
00:47She warned of Beijing's move to smile at many places in the disputed Himalayan region on the border between the two countries.
00:56and considered that the release of new names
00:58Doesn't change the situation
01:02China has land and maritime border disputes with nineteen neighboring countries. Let's watch
01:10India and China have held several rounds of talks at the military and diplomatic levels to resolve the tension in the border areas, especially in the east of Lahd, but to no avail.
01:20As for the dispute over the Spra's Islands
01:22is a regional dispute between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei, which is related to the ownership of theSpraTi Islands and a group of islands
01:32And the sea features associated with it
01:34located in the south. Beijing also demands all Kang Ri and the mountainous areas to the west of the Bhutan summit
01:41In addition to the western region of Bhutan. as for the border dispute between china and japan , it is an endless story
01:48The dispute is mainly over the South China Sea, especially the Sena Koukou Islands and the Ryukyu Islands.
01:56There is also a border dispute between China and Russia despite the signing of many
02:01as China is unilaterally demanding an area of one hundred sixty thousand square kilometers from the territory of Russia.
02:08Beijing is also grappling with Pyongyang over the Bay Cato and Ye Lu rivers and securing. Singapore and China are contesting parts of the South China Sea
02:18which led to another border dispute on this scale in Tajikistan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan and Laos
02:27History of border disputes with China
02:36I don't.
02:38Iran announced the failure of the space mission of the missile it launched on Thursday and raised reservations and condemnations in the West.
02:46spokesman for the Iranian Defense Ministry said that the missile
02:50He failed to put his fame into orbit. Iran has announced the launch of a rocket into space by sending three research shipments without specifying.