...عامي ان القانون الكندي يسقط حق الحصانة ا...

  • 2 years ago
00:00ami that Canadian law drops the right of sovereign immunity from Iran due to its inclusion on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism
00:09In his own country, now demanding
00:11More than a billion dollars.
00:14How much is the value of a person's life worth to a person who has lost his life and what is its value to his family? And when the survivors put us in our claim for $1,500, but that's just an estimate. It could be the money
00:35Bigger or less. We submitted the case to the Deputy Foreign Minister and this body under Canadian law to be transferred to Iran. I think it's got that level of caution. We submitted the case to Iran through a number of embassies around the world,
00:56as well as the electronic correspondence service. We're worried about what's called a chain of evidence. We have no idea what the Iranians did to these two black boxes
01:09We express our concern
01:11That its contents may have been distorted.
01:17In his lawsuit, Mark End is based on the law of state immunity and the law of justice for victims of terrorism, and also demands members of the prosecution on the assumption that
01:26The attack occurred about him.
01:30I came up with the possibility balance sheet that the missile attacks on flight 752
01:37It was deliberate and caused directly
01:41in the killing of all those who were on board, and there was no armed conflict in the region at that time.
01:50The Supreme Court of Justice in Ontario upheld the hypothesis of the general event last May, but Tehran announced in November the start of the trial of ten soldiers
02:00after the report of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization violated the responsibility of the armed forces in March
02:07In apparently consecrating to impose the intent of human error. isolated
02:12Between the charge and the French. The documents we obtained from the Canadian investigation team revealed a part of Ottawa's efforts
02:20to limit the responsibility through tracking the military pyramid in Iran
02:25from the headquarters of the General Staff and the headquarters of Khattab Al-Anbiya to the Commander of the Revolutionary Guard Hussein Salami and the Commander of the Air Force, Amir Ali Hajizadeh
02:34down to a brigade called
02:36Mahmoud Bagheri Kazemabad in the leadership of the missile ghadeer, which is in the estimation of the investigation behind the incident.
02:44But the more important question is, it's been stuck for about two years
02:48Who gave the order to launch the missiles? Was it intentional or a miscalculation?
02:56continue the discussion with my guests with mr . mark .