...فيها سواء بريطانيين وفرنسيين وحسن امين ك...

  • 3 years ago
00:00whether British or French, and Hassan Amin, their entry in the game
00:07once again, and there is fear of losing these interests with the progress of the Russian and Turkish influence
00:15in the region. Therefore, there is a real fear of instability and that this
00:20on the existing instability, which ended with the failure of the negotiations that were held by groups in
00:28just before the end of this, and then it was postponed until next month.
00:34It is also a very difficult possibility. Therefore, the second part of your question about the possibility of holding such elections,
00:42Omar remains that difficult to investigate despite all the pressures that can be exerted.
00:50You, the Western powers, are exercising a series of pressures through the United Nations through
00:55the diplomatic parties meeting, whether for the countries of Europe and America or each one at a time, but despite that
01:04Just like this, I think there's a possibility to divide this immediate stranger
01:11as demanded by France. Yes, either you or there are difficulties that do not limit the problem in
01:17Speaking of the European Union, the presidency will change tomorrow from Germany to France.
01:26France deals with many files in its own way in a way that is very different from Germany.
01:32What are the priorities, if we want to ask, what are the priorities through which the outlook will change
01:37the European Union to the issues of the transfer of power now or the transfer of this presidency to France,
01:45France in general is the most prominent in the international partnership on the level of
01:53International relations in Europe were many in a period when it was a German government
02:01more interested in the internal economic issues in the internal security and peace . No, it might change with Sean in the new one, but France
02:10If they have a real homeland, we remember that France is one of the leaders of the North Atlantic Party in Libya in toppling Muammar Gaddafi
02:18and perhaps for narrow French interests related to that in Sarkozy, and what was provided of money from Libya
02:27I want to talk to Al-Maliki about this aspect
02:30Speaking of economics. Dr. Khaldoun, what is the role that France will play economically, at least in Libya?
02:39I mean, in a period of time, France wanted to replace the Italian companies that are historically there on the investment of oil in
02:48France, and then Europe found itself in general, whether France or Italy. It is outside the game and that there are other countries
02:56more present in Libya, such as Russia and Turkey.