...انسحاب التدريجي من منطقة الشرق الأوسط بس...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the gradual withdrawal from the Middle East region due to its interest in other files in remote geographical areas.
00:10okay what's wrong
00:13no one doubts that the american attention is changing
00:19It moves from the Middle East to South-East Asia, and no one doubts that. Despite that, this does not mean at all that Washington wants to see the Syrian government continue
00:36to live without political reforms. Since there is no thinking in Washington about the possibility
00:45change or take off
00:47the Syrian government, the government of President Bashar Assad,
00:51there will be what was in 2003 in Iraq, but at the same time, Washington will not reduce the pressure. sanctions
01:00on the government of President Assad
01:03Mr. Robert, I mean, in the science of countries and the way they think
01:08No State shall take any decision on another State unless it has interests,
01:14thus keeping the United States to put pressure in one way or another on Syria.
01:21Certainly, there is a background to this issue or an end to this issue.
01:26In your opinion, is the Syrian file related to the Iranian nuclear file? Therefore, perhaps Washington is using it
01:34as a pressure card on Iran because we know the military presence in Iran
01:38and Iran's attempt to control parts of Syria and the alliance with the Syrian government and so on
01:50A dinar with a bidden.
01:53I believe President Biden's administration will trade terms
02:00or compromises and concessions on Syria. in return for concessions in the Iranian nuclear file.
02:07In these decisions, officials from the administration, after they are from the same officials from the administration of Barack Obama, the former president,
02:17this administration has always refused to cut any kind of connection between Iran and the Iranian nuclear file
02:25and the issue of Syria.
02:27In addition, there are ongoing nuclear negotiations in Libya
02:35It's not working right now. And there's more pessimism
02:40growing in Washington on the fact that the agreement between Iran and the Western countries, these nuclear file will be possible.
02:49But Mr. Robert, how do you explain this package of US sanctions, which did not only affect individuals and entities in Syria, but
02:57coincided with the sanctions