...العالمي الأحوال إلى تسع وعشرين بوينت فاي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00global conditions to twenty nine point five. This is exactly what the world was waiting for
00:07will not be a problem with supplies on the short level, but on the long-term level, I think that the deployment of this point
00:14this is the last point that i would like to talk about very quickly with dr . youssef .
00:22What about supplies for next year's opinions and all the demands to increase investment in the field of energy
00:27in the field of fossil fuels in order for the world to avoid a large increase in prices in light of the decline in the volume of production.
00:37In fact, the oil industry
00:40According to what is known from the agreement, Castro OPEC, OPEC needs fifty billion dollars. Annual investments are still much less
00:49from this reality. If there is a continuation in the lack of investment, especially with
00:56The policies of the judiciary, some policies, the judiciary is more internationally approved and adopted by many countries.
01:02I think, as the Saudi Minister of Energy said, he may be facing a crisis in energy in the coming five to ten years. Therefore, there may be something pushing the negotiator
01:11the prices of oil and these three songs, and inflation causes economic problems. I think that all countries should invest in the infrastructure in terms of increasing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now on the idea of being the most country in the world
01:26heading towards the increase of its capabilities in terms of production.
01:31On the other hand, I think that this will contribute to the independence of the prices of the consumer countries.
01:38Dr. Youssef Al-Shammari, CEO in Sea Marks in London, told us from Dhahran to thank you very much for your presence
01:46Meaning and engineer, the visitor, the oil expert and the director of the information department in OPEC said
01:51Thank you very much for coming up and being with us tonight and wishing you both a year
02:00A whole new year of health
02:05We will continue with you within this special coverage for this year's harvest and the expectations of next year. After the break, we will continue
02:13To protect the prices of gas in Europe
02:15its rise in 2020? Stay with us
02:29I mean.
02:38From the East, we present to you the markets of the East, from Riyadh, Abdullah Al-Sbay'i. Welcome between supply and demand.
02:48Companies, these levels we haven't seen
02:51Since 2000. What will the effect be? Partner program on me?