...شيوعي الحاكم في الصين وفي عام ألف وتسعمئ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the communist ruler in China and in 1971. The People's Republic of China is the place of the Republic of Tibi, which forms Taiwan
00:0990 percent of its territory
00:12as a legitimate and sole representative of the former political entity in the United Nations. Taiwan has left the organization. And in 1992
00:22The two sides agreed on a common formula, the one-China principle.
00:26The parties agreed that there was only one sovereign State, but that they differed as to which of the two Governments was legality.
00:35Differences remained, but they deteriorated further. The number of 2016
00:40As I take over, Ango abuses Taiwan's presidency, which belongs to the Democratic Progressive Party, which tends to be independent from China.
00:49Years passed and the relationship between Beijing and Washington was complicated.
00:53The Administration of Tram started to provoke Beijing through Taiwan and weapons deals with it in 2017, as well as in 2020
01:03despite the anger of China.
01:04In the wake of tensions, the dispute continued with Tule Biden. Taiwan announced that the military tension with China reached its highest levels,
01:13and warned that Beijing
01:14will be able to invade the entire island in 2025. And what is the escalation of the military maneuvers
01:22Taiwan spoke of a complete Chinese invasion
01:25Against the backdrop of increasing Chinese military preparations and assurances that Beijing will not allow Taiwan independence.
01:34China, which we now know as the largest engine of the world economy, has not always been like this.
01:41in about seven decades , beijing has turned from an isolated country into an economic miracle
01:48which is looking for a political, economic and military foothold around the world. How did that country develop?
01:57Is that Mo Chi Tong? The man who announced in the beginning of October of 1949
02:04The People's Republic of China was founded on the ruins of the Chinese Republic and the country was also named Red China or Communist China.
02:13This communist China was known before this decades of civil war,
02:18But it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to China. In the era of Mao Zedong, and specifically between the years 1959
02:27and nineteen sixty one,
02:29China's worst famine was caused by the repercussions of Mao's plan, which carried the name of the great leap forward. China jumped
02:39But backwards and failed to turn China's agricultural economy into industrial.
02:45I understood the famine. The country died with him in 1976, and the leader Deng Xiaoping appeared after him
02:53which launched a series of reforms
02:56contributed to changing the face of the Chinese economy. It was given