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  • 3 years ago
00:00We can calculate fairly precisely
00:06Eleven million bits of information affect them and they wipe out the poison every second.
00:11But we can consciously treat between 11 and 60 of them. Just think about it for a second
00:19eleven million houses against eleven to sixty houses.
00:24So we have to consciously choose this information that we're going to consciously process. But how do we do that?
00:34In a soundproof room
00:36Within the Lei Penz Research Center for the Dortmund Working Environment, Professor EdmondSr and his team are studying the mechanism of understanding our speech.
00:45This particular experiment is focused
00:48On what is known as the effect of a cocktail party where it undergoes a lot of sensory stimuli, as in the case of a cocktail party here. for example
00:57we can hear three people at a time .
01:01How does our brain process these sounds It's a little bit like a candidate, but it always depends on joint intervention
01:11In other words, competition between different types of information or neurons that handle certain types of information.
01:19I am
01:20The Dortmund research team in this experiment wants to determine the importance of additional visual information such as oral movements in understanding speech
01:34on you
01:36To look at the attention processes. This is of growing importance, especially for our working lives.
01:43There is no doubt that with the existence of new technologies and the transition to the digital world in many areas, we have to deal with a much greater amount of information than in the past. Many of the jobs these days include processing information.
01:58So the challenge we face today
02:01It can't be compared to what we were facing 20 or 30 years ago.
02:08I mean
02:09I am
02:10Job offers often emphasize the need for applicants to be able to perform multiple functions.
02:17Does this mean that everyone who applies for employment
02:21Should he deal with as many tasks as possible at the same time, while responding to constraints completely smoothly?
02:29The ideal concept is now widespread
02:32the active employee is the one who can communicate with colleagues and clients and presidents and is available and can always be reached
02:41It operates on several digital devices simultaneously, keeping track of all functions entrusted to it on a continuous basis.
02:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:50Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:52However, the phenomenon of multitasking is not limited to the office environment but extends to the production sector.