...لمنع اندلاع مواجهة في أوقات السلم . موسك...

  • 3 years ago
00:00to prevent the outbreak of a confrontation in times of peace. Moscow, Washington also promised to seek to reach agreements
00:08That would improve survival
00:11And the elimination of incentives for a nuclear strike, promises that were later translated into START I and TWO.
00:22Since the beginning of the year, the tone of escalation has escalated and controlled the atmosphere between Russia and the NATO countries. and the reason
00:31Moscow's accusations against the NATO countries
00:34by intensifying its movements on the eastern border of Russia, and fears of the expansion of this alliance along these borders.
00:43The alliance does not deny it, but it says
00:46These moves are aimed at protecting the security of the NATO countries. but
00:52Where exactly are the NATO forces moving? And how do you expand east?
00:58We start from here from the Black Sea, which Moscow considers a strategic depth for it,
01:07while Washington and the rest of the NATO countries
01:11moving in a continuous manner with ships and reconnaissance planes. They also carry out
01:18military maneuvers the last of which was his name
01:21The sea breeze, for example. On the other hand, Moscow is angry and is also running in the Black Sea
01:30we have anti-warts
01:32where Russian fighters are carrying out fake sorties to hit enemy ships.
01:38Here, let us not forget the reference of course to the Crimean Peninsula
01:42The problem of the Russian dispute with the NATO, as the atmosphere here is witnessing reconnaissance flights by the aircraft belonging to the NATO
01:51constantly, especially in its south and west,
01:54and monitored by Moscow and expressed its rejection of these sorties. this state of military stimulation
02:00reached its peak near Crimea last June, when the British destroyer Devlander sailed within
02:08Twelve miles of peninsula.
02:12This issue constituted a breakthrough for the Russian territorial waters, as Moscow said at that time, and clashes took place between the two sides
02:21where bombs emerged and warning shots were fired.
02:24Britain, which of course belongs to the NATO, does not recognize Russia's sovereignty over the Crimean peninsula
02:32that were once affiliated with Ukraine.
02:35The talk about Ukraine is long. It is the one that cooperates with NATO with endless military exercises, and in it
02:43Britain's troops are being brought in on a mission or a porter
02:47through which Britain has been training the Ukrainian army since 2015. London has been implemented so far
02:56the training mission of about twenty thousand Ukrainian soldiers.