...قيل لا يمكن تجاوزه إلا بقرارات جريئة ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00It was said that it can only be overcome by bold decisions.
00:06After years of Algerian demands, the French authorities declassified the archives of the war against Algeria.
00:14The decision allows access to all public archives
00:18which was established within the framework of the issues related to the events that took place during the Algerian war between the years 1954
00:29and nineteen sixty six.
00:31It also includes documentation on court cases and implementation of court decisions
00:39And the documents relating to the investigations
00:42That was conducted by the criminal justice department
00:47the algerian national archive is a lost identity that the algerians are trying to recover from the french use
00:55In the archive of the colonial period, it contributes to understanding many of the mysteries of the colonial period
01:01at all levels, which is important to understand the reality and the French-Algerian relations.
01:07With the loss of this archive, Algeria does not have all the historical data about the colonial period
01:14and its facts. Therefore, it needs documents to write history in a scientific and accurate way.
01:20The Algerians also want to restore their national archives to know what their lives are, politically, militarily, culturally, and socially
01:29During the colonial period.
01:32The importance of the archives also lies in the fact that they contain maps, the secrets of the resistance and the French practices during their colonization of Algeria.
01:42As many officials would like
01:43to stand on everything related to the 17 nuclear tests in Algeria, as well as the maps of mines that claim the lives of Algerians
01:53Until today.
01:56iraq declared that it is looking for new alternatives to solve the iranian gas import crisis .
02:02The spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity said that there is a large drop of gas from Tehran,
02:10He pointed out that the crisis had been discussed in the Ministerial Energy Council several times.
02:16The spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity added that in case the required percentage was not provided
02:23Iraq has the right to supply gas from other sources.
02:29About a year ago, Iran reduced its gas supplies to Iraq to five million cubic meters a day after it was fifty million
02:38Due to non-payment of outstanding debts
02:40after Tehran reduced its exports. Iraq is facing a crisis in power generation, as the country is generating about fourteen thousand megawatts from the local network
02:50in addition to about four thousand additional forces by importing gas and energy.
02:54Iraq imports Iranian gas shipments at a monthly rate of 28.