...انتخابات نزيهة ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00Fair elections.
00:04iraq declared that it is looking for new alternatives to solve the iranian gas import crisis . and the spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity said
00:13that there is a big drop of gas from Tehran,
00:17He pointed out that the crisis had been discussed in the Ministerial Energy Council several times. the spokesman for the ministry of electricity added
00:27that if the necessary percentage is not provided
00:30Iraq has the right to supply gas from other sources.
00:36Although Iraq is an oil country, it relies heavily on Iranian gas imports to feed the electricity grid.
00:48About a year ago. Iran reduced its gas supplies to Iraq to five million cubic meters a day after it was fifty million
00:57Due to non-payment of outstanding debts
00:59after Tehran reduced its exports. Iraq is facing a crisis in power generation, as the country is generating about fourteen thousand megawatts from the local network
01:09in addition to about four thousand additional forces by importing gas and energy.
01:13Iraq imports Iranian gas shipments at a monthly rate of 28 million cubic meters. Earlier. the iraqi ministry of electricity said
01:23Iran's gas supplies to the central and southern regions
01:27dropped from forty nine million to eight million cubic meters a day, which led to the loss of the Iraqi national electricity network
01:36about five hundred fifty megawatts. Finally, the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity announced a decline in production by about three thousand four hundred megawatts due to the decline in the release of Iranian gas
01:55U.S. food and drug administration agencies emergency use of one of the anti-corona drugs.
02:03The official in charge of the administration announced that the matter is related to a drug that is taken orally or produced by America's laboratory.
02:12According to the American Drug Authority
02:15The drug is intended for adults with mild and moderate symptoms.
02:24in another matter , the world health organization refused to rush to judge a shapeshifter or micron ,
02:31And I've confirmed that you have no proven information about him
02:35Makes her say he's more dangerous than a Delta mutant. It also pointed out that there are data showing that the hospital's admission rates
02:45It's less than infecting other volunteers.
02:50The Middle East region is still far from achieving the goal of the World Health Organization that vaccination coverage reaches 40% inside each house.