...عن تشكيل جبهة معارضة لإسقاط حكومة اب احم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00about the formation of an opposition front to topple the government of Ibb Ahmed, which includes a group of tribal components in Ethiopia.
00:08Washington tried to intensify its moves on the Ethiopian crisis
00:12On the 18th of last November, it sent its envoy to the Horn of Africa to hold talks with the parties of the crisis.
00:20In light of the approach of the opposition forces to Addis Ababa,
00:24the ethiopian prime minister advanced the front lines to confront these forces and transfer his governmental powers to his deputy
00:32On the 23rd of last November,
00:35In an attempt to heal the rift within Ethiopian society, the Council of Ministers announced on December 11 the formation of an independent national committee
00:45for an expanded national dialogue
00:48Including everyone.
00:51Joining us from Boston through the Application of Defeated, Dr. Christopher Rhodes, lecturer in political science and African affairs at Harvard University.
01:00Welcome with us, Dr. Christopher.
01:02Can it be said that the war has ended in Ethiopia, or is it too early to talk about a comprehensive cessation of fighting?
01:14Excuse me. Thank you for having me. I think it's too early to tell you that
01:20The fighting stopped and the war ended. I guess
01:25that the parties reached a dead end despite the fact that the government managed to
01:31dimensions of tigray liberation front . These books come back
01:36He led to her area, and the Government said that it would not join these forces in her area. I think it's
01:44He may have stopped me in this fight, but not at all.
01:51What do you think of the comprehensive national dialogue that Ethiopia intends to work on? Also, what are the chances that this will work
02:00The conversation? In your opinion, will Abu Ahmed and his opponents also participate in this dialogue, or what?
02:10Yes, I think that the dialogue is a good sign and a step in the right direction, but as you mentioned
02:20The bottom line is that you're getting involved
02:25All groups in this process are even adversaries. And in the past, there was a hesitation
02:35including the opposition movements in order not to give them legitimacy, but I think that in order to establish a lasting peace in Ethiopia, they must be involved.
02:46This in turn may require international pressure or intervention among the various parties.
02:54The international community has always called for dialogue, except as long as it called for diplomacy between the parties