...نية عبور طريقها في الأردن لاستكمال الربط...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the intention to cross its way in Jordan to complete the link between Asia, Europe and Africa. Therefore, in the past years, it deepened its relations with Oman
00:08where the strategic location and a vital gate for trade in the Middle East
00:12Since ancient times and a stable country in an ocean full of wars. There in Amman, the coordination started to increase
00:19The Jordanian-Chinese Friendship Committee is discussing the commercial relationship between the two countries,
00:24it confirms that Amman covers 20% of its needs from Beijing, while Jordan's exports to China increased in 2021 by 14%.
00:34The numbers are not everything. The two countries have huge strategic projects
00:38projects china wants from it a railway on the historic silk road in return for support in the field of human resources development
00:46where hundreds of Jordanians received scholarships,
00:49HuaWei is building an ICT academy in cooperation with Jordanian universities.
00:56This is in conjunction with infrastructure improvement projects.
01:00China completes the dream of extending the bridges of the Harir Ha road, and shows the importance of Jordan in the project, a importance that Beijing realizes and seeks to win
01:09while Amman wants to move through it to a link point
01:12for the countries of the region and a gate for the development of the neighboring countries and a corridor for their reconstruction.
01:20We will discuss this issue with our guests via satellite from Cairo, Dr. Ahmed Kandil, expert in Asian affairs, and from Amman, Dr. Mazen Marji, academic
01:32And the economist. You are most welcome
01:46Welcome back. We will start with Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Ahmed.
01:50I mean, this economic relationship, through which Beijing is trying to link through it and through its road belt project
01:58in the Middle East region in particular
02:00a gate to cross more than one continent and to reach more than one place.
02:07Now, Jordan has become part of this huge project. We want to stop a little bit with this Chinese project
02:15and how it will benefit and benefit our Arab region.
02:23Good evening to you, to the honorable guest, and to the viewers everywhere. Without a doubt, the project of one belt and one road is one of the projects
02:32that Beijing has been offering for a year
02:362013 is this project. In short, it is a different vision of globalization
02:45raised by the Western light, which was basically
02:49on the freedom of the movement of capital, individuals and other production elements. China is put forward through this initiative.