Soekarno was born to Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai in Surabaya, June 6, 1901. When he was born, he was given the name Kusno by his parents. But because he was often sick, when he was 11 years old his name was changed to Soekarno by his father.
In some Western and Middle Eastern countries, the name Soekarno is sometimes written as Achmed Soekarno. The addition of this name was allegedly carried out by Western journalists because they are quite foreign to the habits of Indonesian people who only use one name or do not have a family name.
In some Western and Middle Eastern countries, the name Soekarno is sometimes written as Achmed Soekarno. The addition of this name was allegedly carried out by Western journalists because they are quite foreign to the habits of Indonesian people who only use one name or do not have a family name.